« Fighting Democrats: hunkered in their foxholes | Main | I suggest taking a fine »

You have been warned

By Owen Paine on Tuesday November 22, 2005 07:19 PM

(Transcribed from Wang's dictation by his six-legged amanuensis Archy.)

get this clear
my boyz and me
  don't plan on
   lettin'  any "treed"
                donkey war hawk pissants  escape
                            even with notes from their mothers
that old gator
bob graham
may be  trying  to rescue them
                 with stuff like

            "  well .....they trusted their president  ...if they'd  only 
all  known  what i knew"

           horse feathers  bob u know the truth

that execrable  gaggle
of  poll jagging gibbons
  helped vote us into iraq
knowing full well
bush-cheney were shootin  hog wash  at us

      so come what may
short of a  one by one
public mea culpa worthy of
              the late  anna miniani

                    we're  votein  u all  out in 06

and oh ya...
                speaking of cracking open a few  bad eggz   ...

u 43  demo  dirt  slugs that voted to  put diapers on the patriot act
and send it back out to devour our rights
   back  there on the infamous 21 july

  u  got  just one last chance now
to   reverse yourselves

             when that  heads we win tails u lose "compromise"
            comes up for final
                                      house "affirmation"

    vote to kill  or else .....

as in
  we'll make  ur  personal re election run
such a hell    you'll  wish you were
                     out there
                                on patrol  in iraq yourselves

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on Tuesday November 22, 2005 07:19 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Fighting Democrats: hunkered in their foxholes.

The next post in this blog is I suggest taking a fine.

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