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Weicker for President

By Michael J. Smith on Tuesday December 6, 2005 11:50 AM

I read with delight that former Connecticut senator and governor Lowell Weicker is considering running against leading War Democrat Joe "Mad Dog" Lieberman. And apparently Weicker means running on a third line in the general election, not some whiny, useless primary challenge.

"When you've become the president's best friend on the war in Iraq, you should not be in office, especially if you're in the opposing party," Weicker said.

Goddam, I hope he runs. And of course I hope he wins. But the second-best outcome would be if he deprives AIPAC zombie Lieberman of his seat, in favor of a Republican. There's absolutely no downside to this scenario. A Republican couldn't possibly be worse than Lieberman, and the little rat's fate might, just might, be a salutary lesson to those of his Democratic colleagues who aren't too far gone.

If there are any such.

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