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Democrats vs. democracy, continued

By Michael J. Smith on Friday February 10, 2006 08:42 PM

Tim D writes, in a note too good to be just a comment:
I see Alan Smithee beat me to the comment I was going to make, which was that the Democrats don't want to have to waste their precious corporate donors' money on lawsuits and volunteer energy on petition reviews to suppress opposition candidates in future elections.

As many astute and honest commentators pointed out during the 2004 election, the Democrats fully demostrated who they found to be the greater threat to their campaign, when they voted to extend registration for Republicans in at least four states (the Republicans held their convention so late that they actually failed to qualify for the ballot in a number of states), while launching a number of vicious lawsuits against Nader's campaign.

By the way, if you didn't hear, Oregon Democrats already passed a law in that state that will make it virtually impossible for independent candidates to get on the ballot in that state.

Thanks, Tim and Alan!

Comments (1)

Tim D:

Wow thanks, I'm honored. This is perhaps my favorite political blog aside from Josh Frank's. Keep up the good work. By the way, those articles by that guy Conn were the best way to get some of my pro-Kerry anti-Nader friends to shut the fuck up. God it's sooo exasperating to see good people with progressive values be to easily and, in my mind, overtly manipulated by corporate interests. *sigh*

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