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How to lie with statistics

By Michael J. Smith on Thursday March 16, 2006 01:15 PM

I was vastly amused by this item on mydd.Com:

In New York, the Drum Major Institute for Public Policy has undertaken an incredibly impressive mission. Today, DMI issued a comprehensive scorecard grading the state legislature on issues impacting the state's middle class. It's not your standard scorecard, which is typically focused on an individual issue like the environment, labor, or gun control. Rather, it's a much more comprehensive look at the issues impacting New York's middle class and how legislators are responding to them....

The Speaker of the [New York] state Assembly is Sheldon Silver, a Democrat from the 64th district. Google him. If you look at the 'Sponsored Links' to the right side of the search results, you should notice that he's earned an A- according to the Drum Major Institute's scorecard.

Now Sheldon Silver, as I may have mentioned on this site before, is certainly one of the vilest creeps in a statehouse full of creeps, and he has been up to his eyebrows in every dirty deal there for the last decade. How does he manage to get an A- from anybody except maybe the Israeli consulate?

I gues it's just another case of grade inflation.

Comments (2)


"an incredibly impressive mission "

hey guys
turn down the hose pressure some will ya
some of us may have just eaten eh ???

J. Alva Scruggs:

It's hard to get the nerdlier wonks to understand that one vote for a Patriot Act, a campaign to enact pro-developer favors, or similar, outweighs dozens for ergonomic mousepads and daycare related program activity defeats. They're like kids with baseball cards assembling a dream team, without regard to any dynamics or conditions.

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