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The magic words

By Owen Paine on Thursday May 4, 2006 05:36 PM

Here's an article -- a real thinkeroo by one Paul Waldman at tompaine.com. File it under must and will weep (salty tears of mirth division).

I'm not going to give it away -- but I will forearm you: it's nothing less than a general slogan for progress.

Comments (20)

J. Alva Scruggs:

I was thinking of writing a "Awww, C'mon, Donks! Let's Do It!" book myself, with liberally plagiarized guidance from the self-help industry and some junk sociology talking points. There's a real market for them.

Here are some donks stealing Colbert's satire in an effort to "take back the country". Note the discreet fund raising links splashed into the sidebar.

Tim D:

You know this is just a hackneyed rehashing of that whole "we need to frame the issues correctly" crap of...damn I forgot his name. He was all the fuss back during the 2004 primaries and afterwards. He wrote like two books on the subject? Help me out here. Anyone know who I am talking about?

Anyway, articles like these demonstrate the intellectual vacuouness of the modern liberal intelligentsia [sic]. As far as I can tell, these guys are actually concerned with change and progressive policy to some degree. They aren't DLC hacks or hired PR guns for hire (I don't think). Are they really that clueless that they can't see that the fundamental problem is the (intentional) lack of alternative policies/stances which renders the Democrats unelectable and unappealing? *sigh*

A telling bit of democrat snakeoil from the author:

"Unlike “the common good,” furthermore, the idea that we’re all in it together doesn’t necessarily imply personal sacrifice for others’ sake—that you have to give something up to benefit the common good."

Next our author will explain how to lose weight by eating cheesecake, increase the amount of energy in a closed system without adding anything, get your money for nothing and your chicks for free.

J. Alva Scruggs:

George Lakoff, Tim.

I can't decide which cliche' I hate more, "Reframing" or "Circular Firing Squad." >:

The author tactfully avoids any mention of how his "common good" ideals fly directly in the face of the the neo-liberalism which has his party by the throat. Tact, after all, is what it's all about-- until it's time to thrash Nader again. :p

Speaking of crushed windpipes and dubious writings, my tome will be called "Triangulate Rhymes With Strangulate." I will remember you all fondly after I make my first million.

J. Alva Scruggs:

I'd have to pick "Circular Firing Squad". It promises so much and delivers so little. . .


Speaking of hoary DP loyalist cliches', another Pandagon love fest. Don't forget to check out Chris Clarke and R. Mildred, though. They're cool:

Please Hammer Don't Hurt 'Em

Note jedmunds' original link to this Aravosis guy, who essentially invokes the Vietnam Excuse: If we lose, it's because you meanies criticized us too much. Wahhhh !!

Seems appropriate, somehow.

js paine:

if that thread or whatever
it is
reflects typical
back and forth there
all the high kicks and lifted skirts

i'm amazed at the energy
to me a denizen of econ con blogs
its exhausting just to contemplate

being in
a no exit last slug standing
wins a nose ring
can can competition

J. Alva Scruggs:

Here's another groaner:

I'm watching turf wars corrode the effectiveness of important projects, I hear it from people on the phone and in emails. But it doesn't have to be this way: if there is victory, there will be plenty of career for everyone. If there isn't, well it is cold outside the circle of power without corporate money to keep you warm.

Which naturally led me to the speaker arrangements for those poor, cold liberals and this round up of lobbyists, many of whom appear to be Democrats nearly choking on the corporate largesse. Plenty of career there, if you can stomach the bootlicking.

to me a denizen of econ con blogs
its exhausting just to contemplate

Yeah, and I can't even work it into poetry, either. OTOH, consider the kind of East Coast liberal Jewish atheist secular humanist origins I've got. These arguments give me remarkable insight into the damned if you do/damned if you don't school of values that so plagues the citizens of more rigidly religious bacgrounds. Witness, for example, Kylroy complaining that the Greens are too obscure to merit more than occasional derision-- coupled with his/her disdain for Nader for using "top down" methods to introduce the Greens to millions of folks who would otherwise have never heard of them. Your party is evil because it's obscure. Or vice versa. But any attempt to lift the party from obscurity is merely a sign that... you're evil.


Now if everyone would please turn to page sixty-two in your hymnals for a song by Pearl Jam, or maybe Dan Bern. I forget.

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Good article, althogh most people fail in achieving their weightloss goals due to lack of consistency in their diet or exercise plans. I think weightloss requires constant motivation and a group support to be effective in long term despite of all the advices given in such blogs. A good article nonetheless.

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A telling bit of democrat snakeoil from the author:

"Unlike “the common good,” furthermore, the idea that we’re all in it together doesn’t necessarily imply personal sacrifice for others’ sake—that you have to give something up to benefit the common good."

Next our author will explain how to lose weight by eating cheesecake, increase the amount of energy in a closed system without adding anything, get your money for nothing and your chicks for free.

You know this is just a hackneyed rehashing of that whole "we need to frame the issues correctly" crap of...damn I forgot his name. He was all the fuss back during the 2004 primaries and afterwards. He wrote like two books on the subject? Help me out here. Anyone know who I am talking about?

Anyway, articles like these demonstrate the intellectual vacuouness of the modern liberal intelligentsia [sic]. As far as I can tell, these guys are actually concerned with change and progressive policy to some degree. They aren't DLC hacks or hired PR guns for hire (I don't think). Are they really that clueless that they can't see that the fundamental problem is the (intentional) lack of alternative policies/stances which renders the Democrats unelectable and unappealing?

Yeah, and I can't even work it into poetry, either. OTOH, consider the kind of East Coast liberal Jewish atheist secular humanist origins I've got. These arguments give me remarkable insight into the damned if you do/damned if you don't school of values that so plagues the citizens of more rigidly religious bacgrounds. Witness, for example, Kylroy complaining that the Greens are too obscure to merit more than occasional derision-- coupled with his/her disdain for Nader for using "top down" methods to introduce the Greens to millions of folks who would otherwise have never heard of them. Your party is evil because it's obscure. Or vice versa. But any attempt to lift the party from obscurity is merely a sign that... you're evil.

Good article, althogh most people fail in achieving their weightloss goals due to lack of consistency in their diet or exercise plans. I think weightloss requires constant motivation and a group support to be effective in long term despite of all the advices given in such blogs. A good article nonetheless.

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