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Odora canum vis

By Owen Paine on Tuesday June 13, 2006 01:46 PM

*Begin Nixon voice* Let me make one thing purrrfectly clear... *End Nixon voice*

I'm glad we have professional politicians of the jackass kind to kick around. I don't blame the soup hounds one bit for all their fan dancing and preposterous abra-cadabra-ing.

Hey, they're just trying to make a living.

Fraudulent spells, sensless fear mongering -- all part of the package, the marketing effort.

They pour out this patent  hogwash, and will continue to pour it, just so long as we, the left side of the electorate, keep buying it.

If we've had our fill of this toxic brewage it's up to us to pit this long-eared medicine show out of its misery by tuning out its barkery, and, come election day, passing the back end of its painted wagon by.

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