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With friends like these (part XXXVII)

By Owen Paine on Thursday June 1, 2006 06:15 PM

Time WiseDoes the name Tim Wise mean anything to you?

Well, he just made me wish to seek him out for a pranging, after reading his Of Immigrants and "Real" Amurkans: Reflections on the Rage of the Ridiculous. Perhaps a sampler will suffice to establish why:

While roughly one in five Americans could name the Simpsons characters, only one in a thousand could name all five freedoms protected by the First Amendment. Are these the persons to whom undocumented migrants are being compared unfavorably? Are these the persons to whom we would rather entrust our nation's future just because they were born here? Are you kidding me? .... After all, in a society that values its people more as consumers of products than as civic-minded citizens, the fact that the masses have been kept in a state of suspended intellectual animation is hardly surprising....

It's not that they dislike Mexicans. Goodness no! It's just that so many of them are coming illegally, and we are a law-abiding people who believe in playing by the rules...Somewhere, the spirit of an Arapaho mother is laughing its ghostly ass off at that one.

With allies like Wise, I'm tempted to change my views on the subject. This self-preening, utterly unselfconcious display of arrogant sanctimony shows the merit class operating at full throttle.

Comments (2)

j s paine:

here's a guy i can agree with...http://counterpunch.com/ballinger06012006.html

There's a kernel of truth in there somewhere, but the establishing shot doesn't really set it up right-- to steal a metaphor from Smithee. Yeah, Americans know who the Simpsons are. However, it's likely that most folks in the Spanish-speaking world with television sets do, too.

Wise is all over the place, and yet never manages to say anything new. It's hard to see the point of the thing, other than self-congratulation. Too bad.

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