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Asian delights

By Owen Paine on Thursday July 6, 2006 03:44 PM

Don't the bad boys have all the real fun? Take my man Kim there -- nice fuck-you for Uncle, eh?

Here's my fave donk response so far:

"This has to have gotten China's attention," said Rep. Jane Harman (Calif.), the senior Democrat on the House intelligence committee. "What some may see as a series of setbacks, I see as a series of opportunities...."
Meanwhile, back in the South, our own Lone Star outfit really rips up some local turf. If you ever want a vicious reminder of what all our expansion of earthwide freedoms is really all about, its never far away.

Wait till our hi-fi boyz try to open up China... I mean really open her up.

Comments (4)


"Wait till our hi-fi boyz try to open up China... I mean really open her up."

Yes, indeedy. The RMB devaluation brouhaha – there’s no there there, it’s a tempest in a teapot, some tofu pups to serve up stateside to the nativist-protectionist crowd, who forever mistake it for red meat.

What the ruling regime really wants – as if Hank Paulson at the helm of the USTR is not evidence enough – is for the bureaucratic capitalists/market Stalinists to abide by their WTO commitments to liberalize the PRC’s commercial and investment banking sector, with implementation due in… several months. Chuckie Schumer and Lindsay Graham baying at the mouth on the Senate floor every so often about "currency manipulation" is a dog and pony show… but not only that, also a veiled threat. No financial market liberalization/Wall Street colonization for us, no more access to big box store showrooms for you, at least not in our homeland.

js paine:

i like your charge list

as an attack trained economist i hasten to add

the mfucks iz currency gaming big time
as are
the arab persian gulf oilers and the russians too

but trans nat amerika inc
is cut so far in
on all of this
its hard to see
who's maniped
and who's manaped

what's wall street
in cantonese
father smiff ??


Cantonese? CANTONESE? Please. I only know Mandarin, JS, as you perfectly well know.


"as an attack trained economist I hasten to add"

-Bold lyric Mr. Paine

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