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Evils known and unknown, done and left undone

By Owen Paine on Tuesday August 29, 2006 04:55 PM

My pal bobw shows one bad place where a healthy streak of basic human decency can land you, as we see him once again toying with the notion that we oughta swallow a preventive evil -- not a restorative evil, mind you; not like a shot of mercury for a syphilitic -- but rather a local evil that will pre-empt a global cataclysm. And of course this evil is a donk congress.

His speculation: we left and minority voters could make it not happen by sitting this one out, and then... the elephants will trumpet and charge. At this site many have pounded away at this big scare tactic -- the prospect of the world according to grover and dick. Talk about fear politics -- well, waving the bloody shirt of the 'repugs' as human and civil rights terrorists works on the decent among us real fine. But let's for once really take stock here: count the real differences -- not the coulds, mights, and long-shot maybe- evens -- and after that's taken, ask ourselves: is it not better to shatter to pieces, over the next few cycles, the party that you know damn well, after all is said and done, is still willing to caucus with the hobbit senator from Bridgeport. Isn't blowing that hybrid of war mule and boardroom call-pig to holy hell worth more than to prevent two, four, six more years of this same old bubblin white plunder?

Maybe it's my political-economist view of our economic system, and of the planet's economy as well that encourages me to see this as the preferred option.

For example, I believe we oughta forget the deficits in both the federal war-fighting budget and the international payments potlatch. I think we're better by far letting this orgy run its course than submit to the sado-imperialist Rubinomics that the party of the whole people will replace it with.

Okay, Iraq might get a quicker dial-down. Iran, Syria -- those are scare masks. Not happening on this crew's watch -- not after Iraq and Katrina. And "doing something" about Iran certainly seems to be as popular a talking point with donks as with the incumbent party.

In the Mideast, personally, I'd prefer Lieberman's nightmare "new Caliphate" to the cuckoo's-nest, Nurse Ratched shit that the party of the whole people have lined up as an alternative. Redeploy? Go back to multilateral bomb rack and embargo diplomacy? "Ah, but there'll be less blood spilt" -- but sez who? I'll stack donkey deads up against republican deads anytime -- Clinton kills against Bush kills, even, ain't that out of balance.

Comments (7)

J. Alva Scruggs:

The dimes are thin enough that I think many otherwise decent people get roped into a personal animus towards Bush and more cretinous congress critters. It overwhelms their reason. Hell, I've made the chimp jokes myself and winced in agony as the damaged meat puppet butchered his talking points. I still giggle over "freedom fries", as giddily as any book smart procedural liberal might. So when bobw waxes gaseous, I'm not wholly without sympathy.

js paine:

here's a fine specimen
of a self induced panic attack

from right here at our site

"But when the whole damn country seems afflicted with a popular madness "

-- "a popular madness"
this i'd call
a very false charge indeed

(but for the thrill
the sound of it all
to a genteel soul watching
team amerika busting up
heads like crockery
a plain armless wooden chair
on the side lines )

is it not fair to say
g & l of the jury
the trend of the polls

indicate yahoo whites
(the key here
as they are
pat buc's
within the nation)
if anything
far from going
ever more loco
are slowly
and zig zaggedly
from the 30 year
of damn lies
and statistics
told them ??? --

"and it..."
---"it "
refers to what ??
the vicious spirit
of the yahoo
white majority
as incarnated by what ???
surely not
the wretched grunts and jar heads
in iraq ----
" (it) .. goes on a killing spree
like a temporarily blinded wounded bear"

----- apres 9/11 ???
if so weren't the donks
mostly right in on it ????-------

"...my first priority shifts
to the fastest end
to the indiscriminate
murder of tens of thousands
of civilians "

------ oh this time conflation
misses the donk opportunists remorse
stage two
and goes from 9/11 directly
non stop
to the murtha moment
from whence in keeping with poll numbers
a growing fraction
of the donk party
its readiness to draw down the boots -----

"my first priority shifts
to the fastest end
to the indiscriminate
murder of tens of thousands
of civilians "

------- ie after 4 years of
mostly bi partisan
me too

here's the choice as he sees it

a slower "end "
if we get a replug re eelect
a "fastest"
errr really "faster"
since we only got two here
"end "
if we put the donks back in the saddle
as they were in the senate after 9/11
and b4 bush steamrolled em
as feckless echos ------

-----now comes a "Thus"
kevin my son
shouldn't this be something more like
"further more"

since in no way does any of this follow
from itself

furthermore is better
here than "thus"
all ones doing
is going a few more steps
out on the limb
of foolish (or knavish)
groundless wishful assumptions

"..I perceive that a Democratic Congressional majority is the fastest way to that goal.."

"i perceive "
as in
i see
as in
"... said the blind man
as he staggered down the hall "

bonus :

"And I think that goal's also important to stop the raiding of the treasury to enrich the wealthy while there's a few farthings left"

"dr rubin ...dr rubin ...
please report
to the butchers bench "


Whew, feelings run high here!

Lemme take JS's comment above:

"I think we're better by far letting this orgy run its course than submit to the sado-imperialist Rubinomics that the party of the whole people will replace it with."

This means, dear readers, he thinks it's smarter to give the Repubs another six years or so to throw the country into bankruptcy, abrogate the constitution, suspend elections, launch nuclear wars and lock up any dissenters in the new detention centers they're building. He thinks that will lead to chaos, and out of that a revolution will emerge.

I think that's naive. This is a middle class country turning fascist. It's far easier to resist it now, than it will be then.

The conditions for revolution arent here yet, friends, so you have to set your sights a little lower. Be a little humbler. You have to work with the system we're in, right now.


" Iran, Syria -- those are scare masks. Not happening on this crew's watch -- not after Iraq and Katrina"

I hope you dont have to eat those words, JS! I really do.

That's what I mean about "naive". I dont think you really appreciate how dangerous the current guys are. It's the difference between the old fat Las Vegas-based mob, and the new killer,sex-trade Mafia from Russia.


I think that's naive. This is a middle class country turning fascist. It's far easier to resist it now, than it will be then.

Why Photoshop our drear Wal-Martian landscape into the fiction of a "middle class country"?

As even a glance at US economic reality shows (a predatory big-box discounter the largest employer, government outhiring manufacturing, living wages scarce, real wages down, benefits down, labor laws mocked, savings nonexistent, bubble-priced housing too costly for most buyers, foreclosures rising rapidly, consumer debt a Hokusai's wave inbound), middle class ain't nothing but Wal-Mart misspelled.

Resist fascism, then? Which Dem resists fascism? Those, like Hillary, blessing outsourcing? The leading DLC faction pitches tax breaks ("incentives") at the true authors of our dismay, the corporations whose will molds our laws and lives like Silly Putty. Dems also promise more "war on terror," that euphemism for military pork and brown corpses that not coincidentally provides the damp shadow in which the Big Brother fungus grows at home. Tough-guy House Dem Rahm Emanuel promotes "universal citizen service." Et cetera.

"Resisting" fascism by electing Democrats is like poking holes in a condom for greater sensuality.

js paine:

for those of you who sense i'm totalitarian
in my soul......

first off

no bobw is not me in human form

i'm not creating
a liberal bourgeois
straw man here

he --who is not my figment--
however writes :

"This means, dear readers, he thinks it's smarter to give the Repubs another six years or so to throw the country into bankruptcy, abrogate the constitution, suspend elections, launch nuclear wars and lock up any dissenters in the new detention centers they're building...."

i'll take this point by point your honor
but only after you remove my hand cuffs

"bankrupt" : impossible
can not happen
to the imperial state
end of dogma

"abrogate" the constitution :
good lets hope so
from jackson to fdr
no decent prez had any use for it anyway
out side the bill of rights
which are "abrogated" already
when necessary

if this means as it implies
the court becomes
an administartive "apparat"
for the unitary prez
...oh ya it is already

suspend elections:
why bother
it only discourages the electorate

"we " the wall street twosome
are winning em anyway

launch nuclear wars : no comment
see doctor strange love or fail safe
or three or ten age cave man
the movie rental store
is the only place
you'll find
kind of exciting stuff going down

lock up dissenters:
well i hope like hell they start with me
i hate my life

more bobw on js

"He thinks that will lead to chaos, and out of that a revolution will emerge...."

chaos chaos
right here in disney ville???

thats a deal
make it happen baby ...

" .. that's naive. This is a middle class country turning fascist."

i always like to use this sequence
the onset of fascism
first chaos then fascism

but ...
here we can expect
to skip the kool part
and slide
straight into fascism

and i was hoping for a weimar america
hmmm miss all that street fighting
and cross dressing
oh well
some how i knew
i'd never get to dress
for the next riot
a 2 ton " madonna "


sober coda:

"It's far easier to resist it now, than it will be then..."

his Rx??

form the popular front now
to defend our
liberal state system???

sign up desks
are waiting
local donk clubs near you

is that
nurse ratchet
i hear saying this

injecting my bum
with some donkralizer

"Naive" deploring the emotional content of other posts and then immediately posting a lip-frothing fear-mongering rant on the horrors of our current elephantine government.

"Naive" is fruitlessly wasting time with The Other War Party.

"Naive" is immediately starting your post by calling people "naive."

"Naive" is pathetic passive/aggressive threats like "Oh golly gee. I sure hope such-and-such doesn't happen."

That's "naive."

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