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By Owen Paine on Thursday August 31, 2006 12:04 PM

Confession: I indulge my personal hatreds too much, sometimes.

I'm reminded of this fact by a recent arresting finger wag from J Alva Scruggs down in the comment cages, to the effect that we shouldn't pray, root, phone, and donate -- maybe not even vote -- just to screw senator Lieberscam, just because he is the most wretched, preening, vicious, sanctimonious scumbag in the entire donk senate stable.

JAS is right of course (smart alec). Hate cults must be run with a cool detached hand, and hate votes are for rubes.

Comments (4)

J. Alva Scruggs:

I said something along those lines? I'll take credit for it, of course, if I can do that plausibly.

PS: Temporary digs

js paine:

what ???

a new "Temporary" site ??

you dime novel monte bank



Slightly off-topic, but related to the previous mention of the Wal-Mart "Hezbocrats" scandal. It's pretty funny how breathless and outraged this ad is.

MAKE WAL-MART APOLOGIZE. Yeah, that'll do something.

That Kozzie must be an old-time Ani DiFranco fan. I bet there's a whole muttering nest of them over there. Somebody should tell him. It's probably been at least three days since they've had a decent purge in the Wonderful Land of Orange.

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