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Twinkletoes Emanuel

By Michael J. Smith on Wednesday August 30, 2006 04:29 PM

Here's Markos Moulitsas, crowing like Peter Pan after Lamont's primary victory in Connecticut:
Rahm slams Lieberman. Hard.
"This shows what blind loyalty to George Bush and being his love child means," said Representative Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, the leader of the Democratic House Congressional campaign. "This is not about the war. It's blind loyalty to Bush."
Love child? Last time he commented on this race, a couple of days ago, he used "politically dangerous to life-threatening". I like "love child" much better, and quite the apt description of Lieberman. You can feel the disdain. No subtlety at all.

I think we all like Rahm much better tonight, huh?

Fast-forward. Here's Rahm last week, on the subject of Lieberman's effect on the Connecticut House races:
Rahm Emanuel, the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, expressed confidence that Democratic turnout would be strong for the House races in Connecticut.

“Explain to me how two Democrats running is bad,” Mr. Emanuel said in an interview. “Would I prefer it be simpler? Yeah. But everybody is hyperventilating, and my own view is that we have an energized base.”

Gotta love that Rahm. Guy makes Dr Pangloss look like H.L. Mencken. "Love-child" Lieberman is now a Democrat again, and it's all just great, really.

Comments (4)

js paine:

the one ...the only

rahmbo !!!!!!


Rahm E.:

"This is not about the war. It's blind loyalty to Bush."

If I were running a pro-war party, that's how I'd spin the Liebs flop, too.

The Rahmocrats are badly positioned for the post-Iraq hangover. His new page-turner, The Plan: Big Ideas for America, declares terrorism to be "one of two wars America cannot afford to lose." So vital is this war against "terrorists out to destroy our way of life" that he'd pull America's youth away from MySpace for three full months of "universal citizen service": apparently, lots of rehearsing earthquake and anti-terror drills.

Vive la dime's worth of difference!

J. Alva Scruggs:

The muddled cluckers -- the "we broke it, we bought it" Democrats -- are nearly as bad and more likely to get the enduring blame, post bug out, when the wingnuts indulge their Dolchstoss frenzy.

Two democrats running? Holy John Hoyt! How many sides does this guy's face have, anyway? Being a major player in The Other War Party must be wearing the Rhamster down.

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