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My old Kentucky homeboy

By Owen Paine on Thursday September 21, 2006 04:15 PM

What possible progressive purpose would this old brass beast Weaver from Kentucky serve? (Weaver is shown left, being endorsed, appropriately, by the utterly toxic Wesley Clark.) He's running for Congress against a central-casting fundi-belt Republican Piltdown man, but Weaver himself is an A-1 Rahmbo war mule.

Money quote:

"Enter 'the colonel.' At least that's what Weaver's aides always call him. In addition to his military record -- the Weaver Web site says he knows "what it means to defend our freedom on foreign soil" -- he prominently mentions his faith (Roman Catholic) and his family (11 grandchildren). In a campaign headquarters a stone's throw from a mobile-home dealership where doublewides are on sale, Weaver looks fit and angry enough to jump back into the trenches at any moment. He boasts that Rep. Rahm Emanuel (Ill.), chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, said Weaver is the only Democratic candidate who intimidates him."

Saints preserve us....

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