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Out of sight, out of mind

By Michael J. Smith on Wednesday September 27, 2006 03:00 PM

BobW writes:
Here's Pelosi's letter to Hastert insisting on keeping the Congress in session to deal with vital issues like minimum wage, homeland security, health-care, etc. This is the democrats' new aggressive policy of keeping in the Republicans' face through October. No mention of impending war with Iran, thoughl. You can count on us, there, Dennis!


These are the kind of games that the Dems are counting on. Either keep the incumbents in Washington so they can't go back and campaign, or be able to accuse 'em of running out while all this important stuff was piling up. Of course, Pelosi and company's interest in minimum wage, health care, etc., is coming on as suddenly as an attack of dysentery.

There's also an interesting speculative question, which Pelosi & Co. may not have considered: is it really to their advantage to let their candidate be seen more than his opponent? After all, the strategy for this fall appears to be based on the idea that American voters will prefer the devil they don't know.

Comments (2)

You might enjoy the recent address by Subcomandante Marcos regarding the now consolidated betrayal in Mexico by the entire political class. Excepting his account of the chronology of organized resistance to systemic dispossession, his analysis could easily apply on this side of the border.

Is there a Blue blogger anywhere with enough common sense to ask these jaggoffs point-blank how one reconciles a perpetual war/anti-terror economy with such niceties as real healthcare coverage, a living wage, and so forth ? I mean for us, not for sanctimonious leeches like Pelosi, who are already doing great on my dime.

I'd go look around myself, but I'm all out of aspirin.

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