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Rahm baffled

By Michael J. Smith on Monday November 6, 2006 01:56 PM

Mike Flugennock passes along this tidbit from the Washington Post:
GOP strategists said they think their prospects continue to improve as voters digest the guilty verdict against former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, positive economic statistics and the prospect of Democrats taking control of one or both chambers of the legislative branch. "I have always believed that Republican voters in many cases come home later, particularly this year," said Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman....

"I don't know what to make of it," said Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.), chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

Mike's observation:
Jayzus, how did this guy get to be such a Party big-shot, when he can't explain the late GOP "surge" in three words:


Comments (5)


To tell you the truth, I'm not convinced Saddam's sentencing had much to do with it. I think the Democrats' edge is evaporating because even though people are sick of Bush and Co., the Democrats simply have had nothing to say for themselves. They've just sat under the tree with their yap open, waiting for the fruit to fall into it.

The news of Sadams conviction has been met with a resounding yawn. People just can't find much enthusiasm for the dem's "We can managed the war better." strategy.

My predictions:

The DP gets trounced.

Massive fraud in at least 25 states. Token resistance lasting about 1 1/2 days.

Blood 'N Guts Wesley crowned emperor-for-life of the DP on December 1st, as thousands of Kozzies cheer for him to lead them out of the wilderness. Rodham-Clinton molified with ceremonial post as judge on Scrapbooking With The Stars.

Much excitement in the pages of The Nation as It all turns out to be Nader's fault. Again.

Ooooo! Predictions!

I predict slight donkey gains in the house and senate - tiny enough for them to keep on braying about how powerless they are and keeping the poor-me parade going into 2008. What few gains they make will be democrats so conservative it will be impossible even for Dean to make them look like anything but the feckless republican-lite mee-to'ers they are. KO$ will, of course, declare victory - thus creating a massive vortex of irony that will competely suck all the momentum out of "people powered politics" for the next several hundred years.

js paine:

hunter holds the line

"donk house
but not worth a frog fuck

the latest 'swing' majority
will arrive with a corporate saddle
on each
glowing new member's back "

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