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Enough, already

By Owen Paine on Sunday February 11, 2007 07:00 PM

Here's a new outfit to put on the watch list:


according to the Washpost's big character booster, this new group, calling itself Enough, aims

to tap into the grass-roots awareness and sense of rage generated by the Darfur crisis and create a social and political network that can identify potential wide-scale atrocities, particularly in Africa, and stop them before they occur.
A pre-emptive humanitarian strike force! How many divisions? Zero, of course -- but it does include some seriously expert personhoods from the Clintonian NSC, now itching spare tires wanting to be on the wheels of the goodness juggernaut once more.

Questions, questions, questions. Which role will they play? Will it be...

1) Long range intervention precursors?


2) Last-minute bums-rushers?

Place your bets. I'm puttin' all I got on number 2. What the GWOT needs now is another "last chance for salvation" good-guy, hair-trigger, gun-play Greek chorus.

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