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Laudator temporis acti

By Owen Paine on Thursday February 15, 2007 04:19 PM

An uncharacteristically lame piece on Counterpunch this afternoon:


... a slobbering "way it was and sure ain't now" wallow over the duo of Steadman and Thompson. They was wild, baby, wild, and confrontational to THE MAN, and oh there are none such now... in this age of Smallville conformity and cubicle-contrived and -timed hilarity.

Horseshit, pard -- pure Kentuck horseshit.

My man Hunter oughta pee burning waste ichor down his throat tonight. Has this guff not noticed we got a new generation of wizards? Did he not reflect on the recent G-WOT mockery here in Beantown? And that quality of calm superiority... I loved Hunter dearly, but he never never reached that sweet spot.

Okay, I know -- on the one hand, for those two fuzzballs, it was effortless. But on the other hand, it takes tons of lost time and mangling souls to produce them two -- generations' worth of taxiing around the runway.

My message to the likes of the brass fart that wrote that piece about ole Hunter and Ralph -- dreary self-pitying birds like him oughta go hunker on a perch somewhere far, far away, and keep their bills clamped shut.

We got to step away from the front lights boomer boom, and let the next wave, and the next after that, pound and blast this sandy shore into whatever new shapes it can take.

Comments (14)


Objective journalism is one of the main reasons American politics has been allowed to be so corrupt for so long.
-Hunter S. Thompson

That may be true of mainstream media, but trade journals still do yeoman objective work, such as this revealing piece I came across today (of particular interest to auto biz and HNW individuals)...

owen paine:


trade journals only look like snakes
to those in the trade

owen paine:

here's what the high 60's dudgeon sounded like

""There comes a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part, you can’t even passively take part; and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop. And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, the people who own it, that unless you’re free the machine will be prevented from working at all!"
—Mario Savio, UC Berkeley Free Speech Movement, 1964

tell me thats not
the overblown agon
announcing the arrival
of a shamelessly
self drama-tizing generation

owen paine:

then it was black folks turn
to posture

before a blast of cop bullets
should the two --- save kent state---
got unequal treatment

"Excerpted from an October 29, 1970 letter
to the National Front for Liberation and Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Viet Nam)

“In the spirit of international revolutionary solidarity, the Black Panther Party hereby offers ... an undetermined number of troops to assist you in your fight against American imperialism. It is appropriate for the Black Panther Party to take this action at this time in recognition of the fact that your struggle is also our struggle, for we recognize that our common enemy is U.S. imperialism which is the leader of international bourgeois domination. There is no fascist or reactionary government in the world today that could stand without the support of United States imperialism. Therefore our problem is international, and we offer these troops in recognition of the necessity for international alliance to deal with the problem… Such alliance will advance the struggle toward the final act of dealing with American imperialism. To end this oppression we must liberate the developing nations… As one nation is liberated elsewhere, it gives us a better chance to be free.”

huey p newton

I love that speech, owen. (Did you just drop by Marisacat's place to borrow it this morning ?) The problem wasn't the rhetoric, the problem was that ten minutes later, the majority of the Boomers forgot all about it: If most of them ever knew and weren't just along for the feel of "radical chic."

In the Boomer mystery movie The Big Chill, the hippie-turned-PI tracks down a one-time Weather Underground type and finds him living a new identity as a filthy rich ad exec with wife, kids, pool, and mansion. The exec sits the PI down and says something like:

"The whole trouble with being radical in the U.S. is that it's like being a spoilsport at an orgy. There's all this great stuff all around you, and you finally feel like an ass for saying 'No.'"

Or more acurately, the good stuff is more appealing to look at than the bad, so once you re-orient your sites, it's just very easy to say "Yes."

I love that speech, owen. (Did you just drop by Marisacat's place to borrow it this morning ?) The problem wasn't the rhetoric, the problem was that ten minutes later, the majority of the Boomers forgot all about it: If most of them ever knew and weren't just along for the feel of "radical chic."

In the Boomer mystery movie The Big Fix, the hippie-turned-PI tracks down a one-time Weather Underground type and finds him living a new identity as a filthy rich ad exec with wife, kids, pool, and mansion. The exec sits the PI down and says something like:

"The whole trouble with being radical in the U.S. is that it's like being a spoilsport at an orgy. There's all this great stuff all around you, and you finally feel like an ass for saying 'No.'"

Or more acurately, the good stuff is more appealing to look at than the bad, so once you re-orient your sites, it's just very easy to say "Yes."

royal paine:

of course mcats post trigger that
owen only reads two blogs a day

but let me suggest to you
it wasn't the materiality
it was the amour propre

the pride of place
that devoured uz as we began to reproduce

the prog sds type elite was wafer thin to begin with

most of woodstock was hedonic from alpha to omega

oh its all to layered and revolting

suffice this

we middle class boomers were and are
the real generation of swine
and we always heard our own oink
a tibetan chant chord

Sorry for the duplicate post, Paine/Smith. Feel free to clip the first one out. It's got the wrong title for the film.

Paine, laugh if you want, but I acutally think you may be a little hard on the Yuppies. I never thought I'd live to see the day I'd write that. Blame Thomas Frank's old issue of the The Baffler in which several writers pointed out that much of the "Gen X" hatred of our elders was a media phenonmenon cultivated by Right wingers anxious to get mutliple groups to squabble over a shrinking pie. Hey, if Black against White, local against immigrant, man against woman works, why not Forty against Thirty ?

I've never looked at the issue exactly the same way since. Which is not to say that certain Hippie-Yuppie tenets or cliches don't annoy me. That annoyance is nothing to base a political philosophy, though.

Hey, I've voted three times now for a guy who'd be six months younger than my Dad-- if my Dad had lived.


why not Forty against Thirty ?

well some scraps are ....worth it

down with the merit burger wing
of the boomers

we stink like something out of revelations

owen p:

why not Forty against Thirty ?

well some scraps are ....worth it

down with the merit burger wing
of the boomers

we stink like something out of revelations

But that's a class gap, Paine. Not a generation gap.

owen p:

xeno always correct
but this holds even bclass to b class by generation

its just another contradiction as we unrevovered maoists used to call it
during the GPCR

the contradiction between old and new

--no one expects.... the cultural revolution--

owen p:

the high 60's

a tale of
two classes
two nations
two generations
two genders

it was the best of ...
it was the worsed of ....

royal paine:

the paradox continues
with farcical irony

here's owen a boomer telling xeno an xer
NOT to drop the x-o-nian
"the "Gen X" hatred of our elders "

but to the future belongs the newer generation
shut up owen
let them roll the dice uncoached
by sorry likes of you !!!!!

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