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Milk the kiddies

By Owen Paine on Thursday February 8, 2007 04:28 PM

Any kind of universal health plan, without the cost locks that only single-payer can get to, is creating a super youth-ripoff trap. Mitt Romney's fiendish scheme here in Massachusetts (eagerly embraced by that clown Andy Stern of SEIU) is a perfect example.

The scam is to frog-march a bunch of healthy 20-year-olds into a for-profit insurance system that each year they'll pay into way way more than they'll get out. Extract billions from 'em, and say it's for their own good.

Pretty slick, huh?

Comments (4)

Alicia Siegel:

And I bet it'll work like a pyramid scheme: by the time the 20-somethings become 30 and 40-somethings and need to watch their blood pressure, diabetes, or cholesterol - the program will long since have been denuded of funds.

Alicia Siegel:

And I bet it'll work like a pyramid scheme: by the time the 20-somethings become 30 and 40-somethings and need to watch their blood pressure, diabetes, or cholesterol - the program will long since have been denuded of funds. Where will the money go? The same place it always goes: first to the insurance companies (and their subsidiary commercial banking or investment brokerage firms - such as the Travelers Group-Citibank mega combo). Then into the campaign coffers of politicians, Mr. Romney and/or his ideological cohorts.

owen paine:


big insurance and big pharma
my my what large maws they have

owen paine:


a huge pump over of compulsory funds into
the health secort ought o increase the service unions dues eh ??

recall the health worker union 1199
is their ward these days
higher revenues -> higher wages -> higher dues

now thats public spirited
class politics eh ???

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