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Play nice, children

By Michael J. Smith on Sunday February 11, 2007 08:24 PM

More from the Overdue Posts Queue. J Alva writes:

Constitutional patricide! This oedipal stuff really unnerves me. It's always a bad sign.

The link points to a jaw-dropping piece by David "Pone" Corn:
Impeachment At Our Peril

Impeachment would be a suitable punishment.... Still, congressional Democrats ought to resist the calls to engage in constitutional patricide....

The key question is not whether there is a case, but whether it should be prosecuted. The Democrats would do so at their peril—and at risk to their agenda.... [I]mpeachment will force its proponents to act as extremists.

Well, he got the "risk to their agenda" right, though maybe not in the sense he meant. Their agenda is to keep the war going, and keep the blame on the other team.

Patricide, though... I share J Alva's horror. The last father-figure President we had was Dwight Eisenhower. This gang, it's more like George and Dick's Excellent Adventure. It's scary to imagine the museum of neo-Roman civic sculpture in David Corn's head -- all those marble togas and pecs and stern expressions.

Comments (2)

royal paine:

politics of the liberal goo goo at bay :

imagine a heroic
marmoreal republican dreamscape

ahhh ...the tempting thoughts

triggered by hard lumpy pecs and delts and ....
all wreathed in shifting drifts of steam ...


and yet
father dearest
don't ya think
it must not be a bit wild at all
that Corn guys head
when the final returns are in

yes there could be aweful
disgraceful .... mindblowing ...happenings
indeed there could

if it were not for
those stern looks of stoic adjuration
piercing thru the mists

no wonder the patricidal projections eh ??

I wish ANSWER would crash another anti-war rally just so Corn would knot himself up in another frenzy of pompous 21st Century Red-baiting.

And I don't even like ANSWER. But Corn deserves them, and vice versa.

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