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Dissolve the people and elect a new one

By Michael J. Smith on Friday May 25, 2007 08:17 AM

David Sirota is really, really mad at the Democrats' Iraq war sellout: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-sirota/we-gave-them-our-hearts-_b_49308.html
We Gave Them Our Hearts, They Gave Him A Blank Check

It is a dark day in our nation's history. That sounds melodramatic - but it is true. Today America watched a Democratic Party kick them square in the teeth - all in order to continue the most unpopular war in a generation at the request of the most unpopular president in a generation....

... and on and on in this same vein -- Dog bites man! Oh, the humanity!

David is, however, careful to establish his own respectability:

I'm not a purist nor am I a "pox on both their houses" kind of guy. I have worked to elect Democratic politicians and I supported Democratic leaders when they pushed an Iraq funding bill that included binding language to end the war.
It's a strange spectacle. Here's David's indigantion revved up into the red zone, but the transmission is in neutral and as far as I can tell, David is going nowhere. When will he put the vehicle in gear, I wonder?

The best part of this HuffPo post was one of the comments, which I give in its entirety:

The Democrats' behavior all goes back to Connecticut, Nov. 2006. Had the voters of Connecticut tossed sorry ass, war tool Lieberman, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Unfortunately, the lesson learned was that the war is not a decisive issue against an incumbent in a Democractic leaning state. Therefore, Democrats aren't afraid to screw their base. They are safe to obey the moneyed interests. The supposed Democratic voters of Connecticut who supported Lieberman are responsible for this continuation of the war. They had a real chance to change the world for the better. They blew it.

By: BillZBubb on May 25, 2007 at 12:43am

Harvard's responsible! Yale's responsible! Connecticut is responsible!

Comments (5)


Shorter Pelosi: I negotiated this compromise before I voted against it.

LA Confidential Pantload:

Connecticut! FUCK, YEAH!

It all goes back to November of...2006?!

Y'know, I have a favorite sarcastic, half-joking remark when commenting on things like the collective memory of recent history, and that is that it seems that more and more people these days don't seem to have a long-term memory that goes back any farther than the farewell episode of Friends.

Suddenly, it's not so funny anymore. Now, I just want to smack the shit out of people like that...especially those goddamn' "Nobody Died When Clinton Lied" assholes.

Bomb Connecticut! It's all their fault!

Can we evacuate the anti-squirrel brigade first ?

Oh, and Sirota's an idiot. No news there.

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