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Alterman and the law

By Michael J. Smith on Monday June 4, 2007 10:11 PM

Eric Alterman, notoriously, is now a criminal:


It's funny, really, but I can just see it. Mr I'm-Entitled, Chip-On-The-Shoulder Alterman falls foul of a chip-on-the-shoulder security guard -- a gatekeeper in the physical sense, unlike Eric, who is only a metaphorical gatekeeper. Or would like to be.

Still, I have to say, this story has made me like Eric a great deal better than anything he's ever written could have done.Talking back to a doorshaker, and ending up in the slam -- why, Eric and I could practically be cellmates.

Of course, if we had to share a cell, only one of us would ever leave it alive. Is he a big guy? Does he work out?

Comments (4)

Bill Kaufman:

Alterman's physical stature falls far short of his grandiose self-image--you'd have nothing to worry about in a prison brawl. If you see the documentary about Nader, An Unreasonable Man, you can see for yourself (although he's seated as he spits nails about Ralph).

Alterman wound up in the hoosegow? Amazing! Did he sober up?

In a standard could-have-fooled-me moment, La Nation reports that Alterman is "Amiable."

Yeah, and Paris Hilton is heavily into sobriety as a lifestyle, Katrina. Whatthefuckever. :/


In the Nation Q&A, Amiable Eric says it was all a mistake. He went meekly, just not far or fast enough.

With such daring men at our disposal, how soon until Washington is ours?

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