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Nooo! Noooo! Anything but that!

By Michael J. Smith on Friday July 13, 2007 08:05 AM

That Harry Reid -- what a scary tough hombre. Watch him deploy the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch:


The strategy pursued by Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) is to keep scheduling votes to pressure Republicans, who, in turn, would pressure the White House to change its war policy. "The president hasn't seen the last of these votes," said Reid spokesman Jim Manley. "We'll look forward to additional votes in September."
No, Godfather, no! Not another... vote!! I kiss your hand, Godfather! Have mercy! Have mercy!

Comments (4)


torture by comp-fee vote
what a delight

notice on stage left
a revitalized schooomz
looks ten years younger
then during that agonizing interval
now called
( before funding)

Yeah, I noticed Schumer lurking back there, too; and, check out that damn look on his face. What's he supposed to be doing, anyway -- watching out for snipers or something?

I also dig that halo effect around our escaped character from a Jimmy Stewart movie, created by the low-angle camera POV. What's with that dramatic gesture there, though? It looks like he's telling a story about Jayne Mansfield.


now i look that might
be the underbelly
of a saucer from planet nebulon
ready to return retro fit

jayne was big ....but not that big
he's talkin' 'but Plenty Hogan

Actually, you know what else I'm thinking now -- what if Give 'Em Heck Harry lets loose with another three or four of these Votes, and he still can't crack 'em? Then what?

Does he escalate? Does he move up to the Comfy Chair, or -- dear God -- the Soft Cushions?

Hah, haahhhh. Nobody expects the Democratic Party!

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