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Greenback gases, and how to control them

By Owen Paine on Friday January 11, 2008 11:51 PM

Quick, gotta-run type meme note on containing health costs:

Now that we face mandated payment increases which, given the structural dynamics of that gracious sector, will surely produce lots and lots of even faster and higher price increases, and little in the way of more medical services... it's prolly not too soon to start talkin' price cap policy.

The proper method is already well understood: we can set the overall price level change in the sector at the level of the rest of the economy. I.e. avoid excess sectoral inflation but allow the intra-sector relative prices are to adjust among themselves.

Feature this: markups (over input costs) for our entire health services and products sector are as amenable to control by pseudo-market mechanisms as, say ... utility pollution!

Yup -- what we need here is a national health sector cap and trade system for markup over input costs.

Complicated to implement?

Nope -- give me a team of med-poli-econs for advice, and a little time to interwire the sectors' accounting departments, and I'll run a tip-top cap and trade market out of a medium-sized Washington hotel.

This great man --

-- Abba Lerner by name, provided all the necessary answers to containing national medical costs 38 years ago:


Comments (2)


" avoid excess sectoral inflation but allow the intra-sector relative prices are to adjust among themselves."

that fragment adds fracture to jargon
nice way to retain the tricks secret

the health sector is
"allowed " an aggregate
period over period mark up
above extrasectoral input costs
(prolly around the rate of increase observed
in the trend rate
of core inflation
economy wide

but among themselves
the sectors various prof and non prof
can buy and sell each others
designated mark up rights
right on line
from my
national wellness markup market

run out of the former 'hotel gastonia '


if per chance
you want access to a formal model of such
link in post leads to this
info wall troll toll

"You may access this article
(from the computer you are currently using) for 1 day for US$25.00."

ha ha ha sorry suckers
my know how
is your find how
really and fairly helpful ???? ....moi ??
this is owen
member 7
comrade falstaff's
econ con shock cell

when you take on a painelink
you're accessing
ever and always
merely fooling and pretending

you gotta find a free version
of any decent
lerner map model
on your own mates

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Note also that comments with three or more links may be held for "moderation" -- a strange term to apply to the ghost in this blog's machine. Seems to be a hard-coded limitation of the blog software, unfortunately.


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