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By Michael J. Smith on Sunday February 24, 2008 10:13 PM

Mike Flugennock writes:
Hallelujah! Let the liberal pants-shitting begin!

Nader announces on "Meet The Press".

Tim Russet...uh, Russert asks same old predictable lame-ass questions re: why are the last six years' deterioration in the US Govt not his fault.

Nader swats him like a fly. Whap!

Phew...what's that smell?

Comments (4)


Answer: recycled canola oil from the deep fat fryer.

Holy John Hoyt! The koswacks are having a collective seizure!

Tim D:

Back during the summer, economist Rick Wolff wrote an article for mrzine entitled "New economy, Old distributions", which contained a graph that showed that income distribution has followed a steady course, flowing from bottom to top since the 70s. Wolff pointed out that both Democratic and Republican congresses/presidents have presided over that trend. Why didn't Nader just hold up that graph? He might have also held up a copy of Robert Pollin's Contours of Descent, quoting appropriate passages from that. As always, it's the economy stupid...

Michael Hureaux:

You know, I wonder how much good it does for Ralph Nader or anyone else to confront these mediated putzes with reality. They seem to be just making reality up as they go along. Russert spoke to Nader like Nader is a demented old man or something. Then he started making stuff up. Russert asked Nader if he wasn't worried about being thought of as the Wendell Wilkie of contemporary politics with his frequent runs for the presidency. In point of obscure fact, Wilkie ran for president once only against F.D. Roosevelt in 1940, , and was dead by the following presidential election cycle of 1944. Maybe Russert meant Harold Staasen. Not that it matters. In the world of postmodern practicality, subjective assessment of what's going on is what's going on. That's why Obama can speak so disparagingly of Ralph Nader, Hugo Chavez, and Fidel Castro. Nobody has to know what they're talking about. All you have to do is be electable.

Now, where are the Yippies when we really need Pigasus?

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