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Control freak

By Owen Paine on Thursday March 13, 2008 04:44 PM

Quote for the day:


It's from that long-sighted Crane Brinton disciple, Sara Robinson:

"Progressives will not be able to implement our vision of the future until we're able to supplant the conservative worldview with our own. We won't win until we take control of the discourse, offer Americans new ways to make meaning and evaluate and prioritize events, and get them to abandon conservative assumptions about how reality works."
Nice, huh? Sara wants to "control the discourse" -- which, of course, for her, implies controlling reality. Awfully logocentric, these pwogs.

And remarkably candid about this intent to "control", come to think of it.

Comments (3)

Bat Delacourte:

The PoMo solipsism is breathtaking. Shouldn't pwogs have something to offer, before they tamper with the fabric of space/time itself?


i may be old school bat

but i blame this
toxic spooked pomo meme stream
the weimar republic

Bat Delacourte:

Old school is fine. Just fine, really. It offers some place to stand quietly, amidst the howling of forlorn merit scholars in the 'toxic spooked pomo meme stream'. The pwog offering consists of glittering generalities whose gleam depends on a reflection mirrored from ephemera, which we must assume into existence before we can catch the gleam to highlight the generalities.

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