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Exit the glamor ghoul

By Michael J. Smith on Friday March 7, 2008 04:26 PM

A faithful correspondent passed this along:
Looks like Powers, like Pete Stark a few months ago, committed the unforgivable sin: an unveiled reference to reality.
LONDON - A Barack Obama adviser resigned Friday after calling rival Hillary Rodham Clinton "a monster."

Samantha Power, an unpaid foreign policy adviser and Harvard professor, announced her resignation in a statement provided by the Obama campaign in which she expressed "deep regret."

"Last Monday, I made inexcusable remarks that are at marked variance from my oft-stated admiration for Senator Clinton and from the spirit, tenor, and purpose of the Obama campaign," she said. "And I extend my deepest apologies to Senator Clinton, Senator Obama and the remarkable team I have worked with over these long 14 months."

Somehow, though, I doubt that we've seen the last of her.

Comments (4)


a monster !!!!


but why does the policy pin up
that is inconsistent
with "admiration"


What amused me was the grovelling extravagance of her contrition -- "inexcusable", indeed! It seems the Prime Directive of the Obama campaign is, Don't harsh my mellow, dude.


ah, good to see Harvard types doing the perp confession! The long-maned Ms. Power was very recently on "Democracy Now" getting absolutely butchered by the triple tag team of Jeremy Scahill, Amy Goodman, and Juan Gonzalez over Clintonian genocide, and it is my theory that this temporary encounter with sanity caused the establishment prof to temporarily switch her mental polarity in discombobulation.

MIchael Hureaux:

It's funny how innocuous the comment really was in the long stretch. When you look back at U.S. elction history via some of the compendiums edited by Stefan Lorant, you'll see editorial cartoons that were positively ferocious compared to the relatively milquetoast statement that Hillary is a "monster". I mean, c'mon, in some West Indian neighborhoods in this country, that's considered a compliment ("She's a monstah!", as in "the best there is at what she does"). Late capital and its wienies are not only afraid of the public, they're afraid of the very language and the history of their own country.

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