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Sweetened Strychnine

By Al Schumann on Tuesday May 13, 2008 01:12 AM

Courtesy of these folks, who went ahead and endorsed him anyway.

Comments (13)


I mean, like...what tha' fuckin' FUCK...?


Boy, that just screams "personality cult", doesn't it; reminds me of North Korean propaganda posters.

Is Obama running for President or running for God?
I keep forgetting, sorry.

He's already a god, like JFK, MLK Jr, and Elvis, whose icons are on display in many American homes; now he's running for President of the US.

There is a very strong element of Obama I would consider fascist. Some of the stuff his thugs did to Tavis is just sickening.

This guy is a...god? Gaaa-hhhhddd!

To compare him to MLK is insulting to King's memory, imho, and I thought the frenzied gushing of people like Alice Walker was breathtaking in the scope of its gall.

To compare him JFK is...well, pretty much on the money. I mean, the guy is an honorary Kennedy now, after all.

To compare him to Elvis is... oh, f'crissake, friggin' ridiculous. I mean, Elvis had some actual talent.

Being a resident of Portland, you guys need to realize the nature of the beast involved here. It's the local "alt" weekly, meaning it's even more pimpish and manipulative than the "real" newspaper. Like its "alt," VV-spawn cousins across the land, it makes its cash by selling itself as the quintessence of leftism, while in reality being the quintessence of the "progressive" DP wing, if that.

The whole thing is about striking poses and feeling smug while not actually upsetting a single sugar-spun teacup of the status quo. And it's all rooted in very thorough marketing research. It works, which is why the local DP loves to leap into its arms.

Nicholas Hart:

Save me Jeebus!

Al Schumann:

Condensing the comments gives me a New Age deity for dippy hipsters, whose icon is a sequined, velvet canvas rendering of a charismatic friendly fascist.


Is that painted on black velvet?


doesn't in the least look like our man

Don't look real for a reason, right? And this little marketing stratpic, interestingly, darkens his skin. Shows you something deep about the marketing of the DP. Last week, this Jordan-crosser blatantly chose White and renounced black...

True art would give him the hue and demeanor of Hillary Duff wading across a puddle, on some sycophant's coat.


There's a touch of the man who fled in the white Bronco in that rendering, if I do say so myself.

Okay, Dawson my comrade. I'll bite. What's your summation of the Mercury ?

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