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Confusion of tongues

By Michael J. Smith on Friday August 1, 2008 05:54 PM

The presidential campaign has become so vacuous and involuted that people attempting to talk about it are starting to emit word-salad. Here's an indecipherable sample from The Note:

And forget the race card: Top McCain aide Steve Schmidt plays the Clinton card. "We have waited for months with a sick feeling knowing this moment would come because we watched it incur with President Clinton. Say whatever you want about President Clinton, his record on this issue is above reproach," Schmidt tells the Times....

At least one prominent Democrat plays the McCain card in response: "What they did to McCain in 2000 is what McCain's trying to do to Barack Obama in 2008," Dick Harpootlian, a former South Carolina Democratic chairman, tells the Los Angeles Times' Mark Z. Barabak and Nicholas Riccardi.

What on earth are these people talking about? And tell me again -- why are we supposed to care?

Comments (3)


wow, here's something scary. obama was being heckled and the entire crowd got up and start chanting yes we can, yes we can. *shivers*



Jesus Christ, the audience can't wait to clap, can't even wait for Obama to finish his response. It's incredible.


The press clipping makes the campaign sound like a Yu-gi-oh game. And yeah, it's probably about as relevant to what's going to happen over the next 4 years.

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