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Rats and sinking ships...

By Michael J. Smith on Saturday September 13, 2008 01:03 PM

... is perhaps a bad-luck headline here, since your editor is still cooling his heels on a small sailboat, windbound in Buzzards Bay. But every so often I get to check email, and here's Mike Flugennock:


Democrats on Capitol Hill fear Obama fallout

Democratic jitters about the US presidential race have spread to Capitol Hill, where some members of Congress are worried that Barack Obama’s faltering campaign could hurt their chances of re-election.

Looking like the jackasses up here on the Hill are suddenly fearing for their presumptive "shoo-in" tushes. Seems the Obama campaign really is about to "do a Columbia" and shatter into a million flaming pieces that rain destruction all over Hill Donkeycrats. ("Fallout" is their choice of words, not mine)

Am I absolutely, totally twisted to be happy at the choice of Sarah Palin as Senator Manchurian's running mate? Am I totally wrong to be so gleeful at the GOP coming up with their own Political American Idol winner to start sucking hype away from Senator Timberlake just as his campaign seems about to do a re-enactment of the tragic STS-107?

Shirley, the Donkeycrats can't be serious pointing fingers at Governor Cutie Pie's lack of experience in government, as their Presidential nominee is a Political American Idol winner himself.

Remember the original film "Bedazzled" -- not the crappy remake, but the original, with Peter Cook and Dudley Moore, with Cook as the Devil, and Dudley as some poor hash-slinging shlub who can't get his dream girl to notice him, and makes a deal with the Devil to help him hatch these plots that always go south at the last moment? Well, one of these scenarios involves Dudley being a big-time pop star -- surely, Dream Girl will notice him then -- and he's on Top Of The Pops and chicks are going wild over him and right when Dream Girl's about to fall for him, and suddenly, at the other end of the stage, there's the Devil, as an even bigger, über-pop-star who immediately sucks away all the attention and screaming chicks? Well, kinda' like that.

Seriously, this thing's gone from bad comedy to really, really wretched comedy, comedy so horrific that it's become the bloody car wreck that you can't look away from. How silly I was to think that the Presidential "Election" Circus had put its majorly stupid days behind it and had settled into the final stretch of sheer bloody tedium -- when, in fact, the best was yet to come, as Senator Manchurian pulled the wraps off of his secret weapon, Governor Barbie.

Seriously, Senator Manchuria's no goddamn' fool; he's learned the value of cheap sex appeal from the Donkeycrats. B'wahh ha ha ha ha hah.

Obama, you are go at throttle-up. Gaahhhd, why am I loving this so much? Right now, my DW is having some good old-fashioned, old-school, glass-ceiling banging, feminist-liberal conniptions -- while I really do have to fight to conceal my delight, glee and entertainment.

Comments (3)

Bill O'Connor:

This election may actually beat out the real "American Idol" for TV ratings.

A sad commentary on "American Idol".

Watcha smokin, Bill?

AI, moronic 4th rate toilet and testament to the sheer addictive pull of TV as a medium, is profound, high-quality stuff compared to the "Election" show. Better talent, better coverage, better analysis, more choice, bigger audience.

The Cognoilluminati choice of St Sarah was Pure. Rovian. Genius.

Saw Nobama t' other day - he looked pale . . . very, very pale.

Oh, you go, grrrrl!!


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