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In a nutshell...

By Michael J. Smith on Thursday November 20, 2008 09:07 AM

... why the Democrats are the prison-house of constituencies. From the Huffington Post:

The Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is effectively shutting down its Wal-Mart watchdog group in order move its focus to... legislative priorities....

"We set up Wal-Mart Watch to highlight the issues facing American workers as seen through the largest employer... Then we win this election, and a bigger voice than ours says, 'We have an economy that doesn't work for Main Street, it works for Wall Street, and we are going to do something about it.'"

Indeed, the move by the SEIU underscores how much the labor community anticipates a new political landscape under the upcoming Obama administration -- one in which it can score legislative victories as opposed to fighting outside-government battles.

Comments (2)

Peter Ward:

Maybe it's an accident...or maybe they're figuring out that cooptation is often the best defense against potentially adversarial organizations. At least the exploited workers will figure out pretty quickly this ain't gonna work whether or not their protectors do.


the stern gang goes belt way

that is hardly news

do the lobby limbo
is all that disco grape's
got in the juke box

but the jobbled masses will rise
and rise sooner then later
as if
powered by their own spontaneous combustion

the union fever is coming
to the service sector near you
brothers and sisters

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