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OUR holocaust! Ours!

By Michael J. Smith on Tuesday June 9, 2009 12:27 PM

From the annals of turf protection:

A plan to honor gays and other non-Jewish victims of Nazi persecution in Brooklyn's Holocaust Memorial Park was blasted Sunday by critics as political pandering....

"The Holocaust is a uniquely Jewish event," said Assemblyman Dov Hikind ....

Barry Lituchy, vice president of the park's Holocaust Memorial Committee [said] "This is an attempt to take control of the park away from the Jewish community."

"Control of the park"? It's a city park, I believe -- owned by all of us.

The picture above shows Assemblyman Hikind (on the right) visiting the fanatical settlement of Elon Moreh, on the West Bank -- one of the ultra-aggressive "forward" settlements ringing the Palestinian city of Nablus. The chap with Hikind is Benny Katzover, the settlers' cult leader. One would like to know what they're discussing -- plans for "natural growth," perhaps.

There's turf and then there's turf. There's physical turf like at Elon Moreh, taken at gunpoint.

What's more interesting and perhaps more unusual is to assert ownership of a historical event. Talk about intellectual property: The Holocaust™ -- what a franchise!

Comments (6)

Well, to take the issue farther, isn't this park in the wrong country then? Didn't the Soviets do about 85 percent of the work to stop the Holocaust?


If American Jews are refusing to recognize non-Jewish victims of the Holocaust at their Holocaust memorial in Brooklyn USA, then Israeli Jews are likely to pattern themselves after their American brethren by refusing to let Israel be a safe haven for disenfranchised Holocaust victims. I realizes that bigots come in all shapes and sizes, but bigots against non-Jews in the Holocaust is a new one on me!

Seriously though, albeit only slightly, I imagine that Holocaust magnates are operating under the assumption that since the US Supreme Court didn't break up Microsoft's monopoly in the software industry, there's no court in the land that'll break up their monopoly in the Holocaust industry!


Not surprising, really.

What's even worse, though, is the ADL's downplaying of the Armenian genocide because they're afraid of potentially offending Turkey, a rare Muslim ally of Israel.

Son of Uncle Sam:

Typical white trash.

Al Schumann:

I've always thought of The Holocaust as uniquely a Nazi event. They are the ones who staged it after all. And even if they did commit multiple acts of plagiarism -- concentration camps, eugenics, pogrom promotion, etc. -- one could argue that the scale of the atrocities gives any halfway decent intellectual property rights attorney plenty to work with. It's a contemptible argument, but stranger and more disgusting things do get upheld in court.

In a sense, then, Hikind is nothing but a schnorrer. What's more, he could go help with the ethnic cleansing of Palestine and have a claim to his own atrocities. There's something a man could be proud of.


i celebrate Katzover
his cassius like profile

he's a national dreidel

the rep from brooklyn
a pawn shop pericles

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