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Dr. Socks

By Al Schumann on Monday August 30, 2010 11:43 PM

To tell you the truth, though, I’m still not convinced that Obama actually wants anything, at least not in a political sense. He seems to me an utter blank. He’s a self-propelling election device that exists solely to get itself elected. It continues to amaze me that so many people somehow thought this empty suit was a savior. Even his campaign message was just a recycled leftover from one of Axelrod’s earlier clients.

The rest of the post and the comments are very good.

Comments (9)

Tracer Round:

Obama does want something. He wants to service the requirements of the folks who made him president. And he's been very good at doing that.

The people who don't know that he's been getting exactly what he wants are the ones who are confused.

[shrug] I think my interest in V.S.'s space lasted as long as it took one of 'em to wag her finger at me and proclaim that I'd looooooooove Hillary like a Good Woman should-- if only I hadn't let Teh Evol Media brainwash me.

Wake me when they've, er, progressed from there. Thanks. :/


interesting ms.x,

when i read a comment there that said Obama had said Soc Sec was "on the table", I allowed that they ought not tell HRC cause she might drop it on Iran. an innocent jest. but i got moderated.

Al Schumann:

HRC arguably did have more to offer than BHO, on the policy level, and also on the wingnut freak-out level for whatever that's worth. I personally prefer wingnuts in a castration panic, rather than a racist meltdown. But BHO got the nod, through the nastiest intra-party purge the election machine could manage.

It's an interesting situation. The PUMAs themselves are interesting people and some are moving in an interesting direction; Green Party support, efforts to create a distributed parallel economy, mutual aid on what looks like a hawala basis. The finger-wagging and moderating are still fatuity, of course

Wha? For fucks sake, nobody wants leftover demotard corporate sycophants in the Green Party! If any show up locally I'll personally roll them into a ball and punt them back to the dems.

Al Schumann:

People do change their ways, Smithee. In this system, their political habits are most often reflexive, until something nasty happens to them. Those that are capable of reflection get in the habit of it.

...The PUMAs themselves are interesting people and some are moving in an interesting direction; Green Party support, efforts to create a distributed parallel economy, mutual aid on what looks like a hawala basis. The finger-wagging and moderating are still fatuity, of course.

Ah, yup.

It just bothers me that after all this time, somehow it's still all about personality. The problem is constantly misdiagnosed as being mainly about the supposedly wrong personality at the helm. And there's always something particularly sad to me at watching other feminists rally around some mediocre-minded asshole who married the fucking title anyway.

Al Schumann:

Yeah, true. The personality fixation is tedious high school crap. And the crabbed proprieties piled on top of it don't make it mature. They just make it top heavy.

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