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A Fitting Monument

By Al Schumann on Tuesday September 7, 2010 02:38 PM

The Al Gore Memorial Academy is perfect. It's a tremendously expensive edifice, dedicated to a narrow interpretation of good intent, which is reinforced by an implicit comparison to actual good intent, and it's beset by problems with toxic vapors. It reinforces crackpot meritocracy and has drawn humorless defenders whose solution to a crucial problem is: a drive-by acknowledgment of the problem and circling the wagons in defense of the status quo.

Comments (6)

Dammit Al! Stop making me laugh!

Nobody's asking but... I vote for this as a Bipartisan Memorial to Al Gore and Ted Stevens:


Al Schumann:

I can take no responsibility for any laughter caused by my posts.

That's a lovely memorial, by the way. It reminds me of home.

You know that saying about how history happens the first time as history, the second time as farce?

Sad, to say, the naming of an elementary school in Maryland after Barack obama was the tragedy.


(btw: don't you have to be dead to have a "memorial" anything?)

Al Schumann:

Sometimes the "memorial" part is added to encourage the honoree to take personal responsibility for his or her own demise.

The term "poetic justice" comes to mind.

Yeah, the "memorial" part sticks out like a sore thumb. Either the namers/founders were illiterate, or they're dropping a big hint to Al. Too bad the LA times doesn't say who funded this project -- it couldn't possibly be a public school. And in that part of south LA, un-served by any public transit, only the rich could get there. I wonder if the heirs of Rachel Carson gave permission to link her name with the great pontificator?

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