Playground Strutting

By Al Schumann on Monday December 12, 2011 12:01 PM

Via IOZ.

Tehran has flaunted the drone’s capture as a victory for Iran and a defeat for the United States in a complicated intelligence and technological battle.

"Flaunted", heh. By the rules of the infantile, violently stupid game played in DC, the Iranian military has pwned Obama and his generals. They've been punked, spanked, humiliated, had their nose rubbed in dog shit and "taught a lesson" in which messages have been sent. Their incompetence has been put on display, for the whole world to ridicule, and their fantasy of high tech, full spectrum dominance has been exposed as the foolishness of techno-utopian dorks. They were pushed into their lockers and had their lunch money stolen. The cool kids are snickering at them. They were tricked into wearing their underpants outside their jeans. All this came at the hands of the Iranian military.

If they ever grow up, they're going to feel sick looking back at their idiocy.

Comments (4)

It's almost as heartwarming as Hizbollah's recent conversion of a Pizza Hut rendezvous into a game of catch-the-spy.


hee haws:

"flauntin is for sissy pants
come on sand ringo come on
put up the mitts
and let's dance "

This kind of reminds me of one of my favorite fotos from the demonstrations that were ongoing in Belgrade while NATO was facilitating Bill Clinton's temper tantrum there. During an air strike, the Serbs managed to shoot down an F117 "Stealth" fighter; the US media crapped its pants, of course -- groups of smiling Serbs were shown posing by the wreckage on US TV, and someone at one of the demonstrations was shown holding a large sign reading "We Didn't Know It Was Invisible".

Punked, spanked, pwned, shoved into their lockers...
Awesome analogies, Schumann. I'm totally digging this. Probably the coolest news I've heard since the time a few years ago when the "enemy" managed to hack the drones' onboard computers and tap into the video feeds.


Not quite as exciting as Hezbollah destroying Israeli tanks with Toophan missiles the Iranians reverse-engineered from the TOWs Israel gave them during Iran/Contra. The Iranians have become masters at this sort of thing.

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