destroy solidarity house

By Owen Paine on Thursday January 5, 2012 09:38 PM

its no secret being a union leader in Columbia is a dangerous job

let me put it this way that one country may account for 40% of global union leader assassinations

enter the afl-xxx's Solidarity House --a great favorite of this site's abbot mike "buster" smiff :

" There are about a dozen Wikileaks cables which reflect meetings between the AFL-CIO’s Solidarity Center and the U.S. Embassy in Bogota, and they are quite revealing. "

these cables star
".. Solidarity Center’s Rhett Doumitt the AFL-CIO staffer directly involved in aiding and abetting forces that carried out the coup against President Chavez in 2002 "


" in one cable, DOUMITT complains that the politics of the labor movement in Colombia impede positive, practical advances on labor issues."

"RHETT DOUMITT of the AFL-CIO affiliated Solidarity Center told us..... Recent murders of unionists are largely related to common crime"

read more here:

if the center interests you here's their site :

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