can this really be the end ?

By Owen Paine on Tuesday March 6, 2012 07:20 PM

or at least the beginning of the end ??

the management of the US Postal Service (USPS ) plans to close
half of all its processing centers

"The closure of 223 mail processing plants threatens some 35,000 jobs"

some grounding for that figure :

"USPS employed 671,687 persons as of September 30, 2010 (FY2010).
USPS’s workforce size has dropped by 171,576 employees (20.3%) in the past 20 years,
and USPS had 40,395 (6.0%) fewer employees at the end of FY2010 than it did at the end of FY2009. "

so the closure is about a hack like the hack in '09 ..if its the only hack this year .....

you see this giant pub sec job shredder rolling into position
and all you can do is hope the fuckers occupy the faclities
and shut the rest of the system down
nothing less will get the corporate infotainment media to direct
the "the ass hole mass publicks " attention
to another Wallycrat contrived "our town" type institution's slow vanishing act

Comments (4)

"The closure of 223 mail processing plants threatens some 35,000 jobs"

Lump-of-labor fallacy. The closure may threaten those particular jobs, but in a growing economy the greater efficiency will create more jobs than it destroys. That's what I learned in Economics.

Seriously, though, the AFL-CIO aids and abets job destruction by focusing (ultimately futilely) on case-by-case protection of insiders' jobs rather than developing a class political strategy.


I agree
but 40k good jobs going boink in one out fitat one time
is worth a spirited rear guard action eh ?

Al Schumann:

The AFL-CIO strategy brain trust is always surprised by a lack of popular push back. The brain trust theorizes emergent resistance when the public experiences the inconvenience of hollowed or destroyed services. In anticipation, they'll organize a little easily ignored letter writing, stage a few token demos and then wash their hands of it when the popular backlash fails to emerge.

They have a litany of fatuous diagnoses to explain why fecklessness must rule; e.g. the petit bourgeoisie can't grasp anything but the most immediate and direct self-interest. There's enough truism in them to satisfy their attenuated careerist souls. Internally, they follow the Democratic guard dog practice of snarling, once, to their right and biting as viciously as they can to their left. And when, in spite of all their efforts, a popular backlash does threaten to emerge, they become peevish and passive aggressive.

There are still brothers and sisters with heart, in that great wailing lump of uselessness, but they're hamstrung. The lump's idolators will fight them to the bitter humiliating end, rather than acknowledge their own miserable embrace of futility.

Oh, noes, however will I get my DC Democratic Party fund-raising letters, advertisements from credit card companies claiming to be "important information", or advertisements disguised as bills from domain registrars trying to "slam" me over from my current domain registrar without all those hard-working, noble public-sector workers? How, oh, how will the Post Office be able to process all that useless motherfucking shit which is immediately thrown away unopened upon arrival at my house? Theeee-eeere once was a union maid...d'aaah, fuckit.

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