fist in the face electoralism ?

By Owen Paine on Wednesday March 21, 2012 10:33 AM

" Communists and socialists joined forces on Sunday for a massive rally at Paris's Bastille monument in support of Left Front presidential candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon.

Over 100,000 trade unionists, members of the French Communist Party and disaffected former members of the centrist Socialist Party marched together under red balloons and flags from Paris's 11th arrondissement to Place de la Bastille.

Mr Melenchon said: "We're going to make this election on April 22 a civic insurrection. ....
The insurrection is for the people the most sacred of rights and the most indispensable of duties in this France disfigured by social, territorial, cultural and gender inequality."

nice conflation that : insurrection-ary electoralism

ah those Gauls

Comments (3)

It would be so nice if we had electoral politics similar to those of the French, but instead of employing balloons and flags as symbols we employed pitchforks.

Maybe in the next life.

...and meanwhile, back at the ranch... after three and a half years of being pissed on and insulted to her face on TV by Obama and Biden & Co., the DW has suddenly found her voice over the whole Limbaugh "Slut" Name-Calling Affair and the GOP's War On Women™, and is bragging about how she and her sisters will take this issue "into the streets and to the voting booth", and at that moment, I'm wishing I could vomit at will, the same way I can take a swig of soda pop and swallow a little air with it and belch whenever I want...

Pied Cow sez on 03.21.12 @13:16:
It would be so nice if we had electoral politics similar to those of the French, but instead of employing balloons and flags as symbols we employed pitchforks...

Give it time. You know the Europeans; they don't have any qualms about mixing up the Molotovs and mixing it up with the pigs when the moment comes.

Here in the bad old USA, meanwhile, when the time comes to fight back for real, our cushy-living, pussified "activists" continue to respond with flags and balloons.

I'd bet real money that the Egyptians, Syrians, French and Greeks are laughing at the US Left behind its back right now.

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