nerf commie line ...these days

By Owen Paine on Saturday May 12, 2012 11:55 AM

meet the commie line :

its lenin lite but its leninite so its still stagey ...

of course it is

and being as
SMBIVA is a right now kinda site

here's the first stage :

"the struggle against right wing extremism."

" This is not a new policy; it goes back to the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980.
At that point and since then it became evident that the main obstacle to social progress remains rightwing extremism and its corporate backers. They cast a reactionary shadow over the whole political process then and now."

"The election of Barack Obama was a blow to the right, but subsequent events have demonstrated that it wasn't a decisive blow.
The right still retains considerable power, and initiative to frame the debate and disrupt the legislative and political agenda."

"Its overarching goal this year is to regain control
of all three branches of the federal government. "

"how dangerous is that? would set the stage for a period of extreme rightwing onslaught."

"...take a glimpse at Wisconsin, Michigan, and Ohio where rightwing Republicans took control of the levers of power in 2010 and then ruthlessly rolled back rights, eliminated social programs and attacked the labor movement.
Those actions are a harbinger of what the Republican Party would do if in command of the federal government next year."

"By contrast, the decisive defeat of the right
would weaken Wall Street and the entire corporate class, give leverage and momentum to the people's movement and clear the ground for an era that puts people and nature before profits and "free markets.""

" that will happen only if an electoral coalition is assembled that includes
the left, progressives, independents and moderates."

"Said differently and dialectically, the defeat of the right at the polls next year
cannot be achieved on a pure anti-corporate basis, given the existing relationship of forces."

"The 99 per cent versus the 1 per cent is a good slogan
and representation of economic reality, but it doesn't reflect
the actual political balance of forces on the ground at this moment."

"The political complexion of the country is more complicated, thus making a broader strategy that reaches out to moderates (Republican as well as Democrats) and independents necessary."

"Moreover, such a strategy if successful becomes the basis on which tens of millions will encounter a new relationship of forces,
which, in turn, is the ground on which to move to
a higher level of understanding and struggle."


part II

will cover the bastard's
lay down roll over
blubber gut
senile softee
parlor red "reasoning "
about this filthy sham of a strategic blockaide

Comments (2)

"Said differently and dialectically, the defeat of the right at the polls next year cannot be achieved on a pure anti-corporate basis, given the existing relationship of forces."

The allusion to dialectics is especially compelling. As Comrade Vladimir Ilyich wrote, in One Step Forward, Two Steps Back:

"One cannot help laughing when reading the proud and majestic statements of Comrade Plekhanov (in subsequent articles) that he had not been understood because of the novelty of his ideas and because people lacked a knowledge of dialectics."
Or, more simply, "little annoyances should not be allowed to stand in the way of a big pleasure"!

"The election of Barack Obama was a blow to the right..."


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