can fault Barry the first for being emperor like ?

By Owen Paine on Wednesday June 20, 2012 05:51 PM

i'm not sure why
but all this talk about barry the remote control murderer
the defender of empire and the jailor of her mortal enemies
etc etc etc

reminds me of a turkey strut

white hat or black hat
that is it
he can't fill any other slot good emperor or bad


this is from back before his reign :

" Are we ready for a good emperor, maybe a great one, a philosopher emperor -- Baracus Aurelius
My quondam companion, the dearly departed J Alva Scruggs, once wrote me
on the subject of philosopher emperors.

he thundered and he flashed
,he filled the page with deep insight, and I was in awe and dazzled for days after.

I've misplaced it, and its perfected phrasing may be lost for all time,
but I remember he was... ......agin' 'em.

"There are no good emperors.paine
They all turn into Nosferatu once the door's shut -- it goes with the office."

ya " it goes with the office "

but then how do we judge such as barry ?

that question
reminds me of the old orangeman
that observed to his catlick workmate :

" what sense is there Dan
what sense
in asking for heaven's sake
a knox man to my toes
why ask me
what makes for a good Pope "

Comments (4)

owen paine sez:
"Are we ready for a good emperor, maybe a great one, a philosopher emperor -- Baracus Aurelius..."

What?? Obama, a philospher emperor? That goddamn' lightweight opportunist, ticket-punching, balloon juice-gushing, Chicago political machine hack, a philosopher? D'AHH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA oh hell, I've wet 'em.

Granted, I may just be an art-school dropout, but I still know that it takes more than a Harvard degree and the ability to pronounce "nuclear" correctly to make you a goddamn' philosopher. (What was it I said here once -- "Smart is the new Stupid"?)


Some of these Chicago politicos, collectively known as the Silent Six, seemed to hold greater philosophical potential than Obama. At least they remained faithful to Heidegger's precept on not wasting words.


flug you dear lamb of a ham

you read my shit
like a blind prize fighter
hearing bells in his head

always comes as a god sent for me

it makes writing these stupid ass posts
more fun then taunting
a red sox's starter
who's got no fuckin outs
and the bases loaded
with the iron of the order coming up

op sez on 06.21.12 @18:46:
flug you dear lamb of a ham...

(etc. etc.) makes writing these stupid ass posts
more fun then taunting
a red sox's starter
who's got no fuckin outs
and the bases loaded
with the iron of the order coming up

Uhmmmm... OK, yeah. I really can't tell if that's a compliment... or, not...?

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