Pauvre Pindare; or, Hands Off Zion!

By Michael J. Smith on Monday July 30, 2012 10:29 PM

Comrade Owen, our own Pindar, recently wrote:

i wish someone had noticed just how far apart father and i are
at least by implication
on the mitt /brit dis connect

though as a celtic by brand
i admire father S taking any opportunity
to squeeze albions nutz*

would that he would cease the battering of the mini me however
this site seems to self select for rabid zion baiters 
This is a weird quirk of Owen's, developed relatively recently, and I don't get it at all. What, for heaven's sake, is not to like about pissing on Fort Zion?

Broadly speaking, there are two rational and arguable views about Uncle's Mini-Me. Cavalierly caricatured, with a very broad brush, they are:

1) The majority Left view: Israel is just a crafty emanation of Uncle's imperial strategy -- a client state par excellence, a sock puppet.

2) It's a tail which to some degree wags its dog, due to domestic political considerations. This view is held by some on the Left, but is more commonly found among slightly dissident mainstream commentators -- George Ball, back in the day, and Mearsheimer and Walt, more recently.

You pays your money and you takes your choice. Or rather, you takes your choice even if you doesn't pay your money.

I lean toward 2), Owen toward 1).

But here's my question: either way, doesn't the damn Golem deserve as much execration as one can find words for?

Comments (18)


It's a tail which to some degree wags its dog, due to domestic political considerations the dog's innards, quirks of its constitution, so to speak, such as how it gets its daliy kibble, or, rather, its mother's milk.

When the US Congress trots down to AIPAC HQ en masse, seeking a teat of gold and insurance against a funded future opponent, I, at least feel the ship of state shudder a bit.


The 'intelligence community' also detects some shudders.

Colonial garrison race state, utterly dependent upon the continental colonial nation state for its continued existence.

It doesn't really move the continental empire, this little race state. But, it does have moral-ideological allies in the empire's halls of power, who move at its pace, and in its wake.


thanx for the spot light father S

your question:

"doesn't the damn Golem deserve as much execration as one can find words for? "

if there were limitless time and energy
most certainly

simple observation:

anti zionism backed by a belief
in either "function" pattern...
1 or 2
vastly over certified
on the broad first world left
too much of a limited resource is blown huffing and puffing about
zionia maximin

sure every one decent
hates bibi
so i guess
that's a good rally pole
no harm no foul as a filter a door check

but i'll go ahead and stake a claim

first my assumption:

there is such a meme net condition
as "overly anti zionist"
(O AKs )

now the claim :

once a few of these O AZs
have self selected
a comfortable virtual saloon

i at least
can detect a very feint
but unmistake-ably
odd smell
as i push open the swinging half doors
on the way into
said self selected V-saloon

sound too vague ?

leave it at that...

too vague
too nebulous even
and maybe no prolly
a figment of my own crooked meme net


as with most hyper focused wizards
a couple frequent commenters here
the "overly anti zionist" condition
with sublime links and heart warming
anti Z quips
but nearly every time
i feel like i'm
over indulging
a luxury delight

That's because it's, for the most part, not your life that is affected. Imagine: if you were Palestinian, you could dine on this rich ambrosia every day!


btw don't dare say i've given up
the SMBIVA ghost

you pack of scundrel nihilists

no sir and no lady
i fight on

i fight on and on
like i'm ever the biggest fool in sight

check into the comment cages at the other end of this link

and then come back right here
and put it in writing
how sincerely sorry you are
how ashamed of yourself
for calling me at every opportunity

an ivory basement popinjay



yes indeed but here's my claim

why privilege the pals ?

we have a planet filled
with the exploited and oppressed

should we not strive for something like
"equal time " ?


Aiiiee! The Tadjik defense! It's everywhere!

καὶ σὺ τέκνον;


The tadjik defense is sound father S

Hear me out

it's not the use of the tadjik defense
It's the use of the tadjik diversion
that is unsound

As in
"why pick on the Zionist you filthy pinko
why not on the soviets or the chicoms
What of Tibet ? what of .......the tadjiks?"

The use of the tadjik diversion
was an attempt to suggest u had selectivity bias
Where u had demonstrated nothing of the kind

How could that Zionist swine know your frequency and range

The diversion is in favt
Quite the opposite of the tadjik defense
which is deployed
Precisely to protect one's icall for
diversity of targets and fair air play
for all mother earth's
O's and E's


For the record
This quirk is of long standing

I shifted after the massacres at that pal camp in Lebanon
In the earliest of the 80's

I considered the Zionist project had consummated it's destiny
With that gratuitous slaughter of the innocent

Not that it was by any means unprecedented
No of course not such terrorism had been a zionic stock in trade since
At least the great depression as I understand it
In fact terrorism built the Jewish state
As the late great bill viceroy said in my shadowy presence
to a table full of 70's Jewish liberal economists
Just the sort of secular humanist that had yet to feel any inhibitions
At all about their
Cheering for little fort Zion

Sandy Dennis:

This reminds me of watching Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf for the umpteenth time and wondering if I should be rooting for Dick or for Liz. At the end of the day, their son is still dead.


Owen and I never had a son, as far as I know. So who or what is still dead, exactly?


Oh father I never told you about my abortion in 1978
How did sandy know
I'd have told you if I had been certain it was your child
It was either u or a wonderful old German shepherd
That guarded the apartment building from a front street level window

By the way my analyst is almost certain I had the sex change op because of that trauma so carefully concealed from my little world at the time

"Comrade oweeena
Report to the district leader immediately"

I dreamed permutations of that for months


It's an interplay between 1 and 2.

The Zionist state will go the way of apartheid eventually, although the journey will be much longer, bloodier, and far more torturous. It will go that way because the Zionists are on a suicidal path and they appear to have no intention of reversing course.

I prefer benign neglect, and to pour my activist energies elsewhere, namely within the belly of the imperial beast. The outpost will take care of itself...eventually.


"I prefer benign neglect, and to pour my activist energies elsewhere "

i agree

to remove any hope of attack
by the sites easily enraged
ankle nip commentariat
i'll avoid chom's usual mild irony**

my neglect of mini me
is was and will be utterly malign

*** the well known origin of the phrase
benign neglect
a think piece
by pat moynihan i believe
on "the black question"
pat great great pat was then a staffer
at the early nixon white house
a burgeoning org-culture
where newspeak
was earning its bones
right along side " dog whistle" racism

and the sub text of benign neglect
could not have been more malign
short of concentration camps
and plans for de facto genocide


baum baum mot

"Higher productivity growth,
stronger corporate profits
and stronger employment growth
actually go hand in hand..."

i wonder who's pants she unzips eh
my fellow MCPs?

i post that merely because she tags on this:

"sometimes with a long and variable lag "

i guess just about anything goes hand in hand with that proviso

freed from slavery and equal citizen rights

fuck it
what's a hundred years !

we economists love these
hyper elastically linked
"causal " chains

the jobs will follow its just a matter of time

though far les quoted then its siamese twin

this quote from keynes
for some reason
never gets old to me

"Economists set themselves
too easy, too useless a task
if in tempestuous seasons
they can only tell us
that when the storm is past
the ocean is flat again"


on baum,

she's lucky, and many of us are lucky, that we've never wanted to own a gun:

creative destruction

who are these fools and monsters who don't believe they have done incredible harm to those who would actually feed them if they were hungry?

It is one thing stating it in a small group of people when one is very, very young, and naive

It is quite another, making a living off of selling and portraying it, .... as TRUTH!, to billions, who are picking food ..... to survive ....... out of trash.

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