Culling the herd


I seldom have much use for prosecutors, but like a stopped clock, perhaps they can be right twice a day. The most unspeakable politician in New York(*), Sheldon Silver, shown above, has just been indicted on a lengthy list of corruption charges by the somewhat uncle-Festerish Preet Bharara, US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, shown below.


Old Shellie has been mentioned here before, but it would require a thick book, written perhaps by Evelyn Waugh, to do anything like justice to his Lord Of Misrule decades running the New York state assembly, and forming one of the troika that run the state. (The other two are the governor and the state senate majority leader. Legislative districts in New York are so precisely gerrymandered that the senate nearly always has a Republican majority and the Assembly a democratic one. There is in fact honor among thieves.)

Shellie, of course, is a Democrat. Just sayin’.

It seems quite unlikely that the legislature will be “cleaned up” by prosecutorial smash-and-grab raids like this, amusing though they are. At any rate I don’t expect it. I imagine that the legislature will continue to be run on the current bought-and-paid-for basis for the foreseeable future. And I imagine that the prosecutors will continue to swoop in from time to time, seize some hapless plump grazer in Albany’s lush pastures, and hold an eclatant press conference.

This is, of course, good for the prosecutors and their political ambitions. It may even be good for the Legislature. Culling the herd, you might say.

(*) Or maybe the second-most. Governor Andrew Cuomo is a very strong contender, and one can only hope that he and Shellie will someday be cellmates and have a lot of time to argue the point between themselves.

8 thoughts on “Culling the herd

  1. He’ll get a few months or years in a federal country club prison and then get out and live well with the help of his “friends”.

    Elites in this country are never really punished – it’s a rule of the club. And we’re not in it. (to paraphrase George Carlin)

    I think the higher the responsibility the higher the punishment is appropriate. Drag a few of these dickwads out and put a bullet in their brain pan and then send the bill for the bullet to their families. That’d put a crimp in their style.

  2. “I think the higher the responsibility the higher the punishment is appropriate. Drag a few of these dickwads out and put a bullet in their brain pan and then send the bill for the bullet to their families. That’d put a crimp in their style…’

    Y’know, the past decade or so of government bullying, brutality and misrule have changed my mind on capital punishment — that is, my only issue now is with who’s doing the executing.

    I know this sounds kinda’ sick, but I’m actually getting some huge laffs out of this, especially as I read the news that Bill De Blasio and the Working Families Party are slobbering their support for this clown.

    (…and with a name like “Working Families Party”, how could they not be a front for the Donkeycrats?)

  3. Comrades, anyone celebrating the Greek election? Nothing to celebrate about in Homeland even with Shelly’s indictment as he and Patreus will probably both get off but the comrades in Greece finally blew up the Guns of Navarone. Or shall I say, they’re at least trying.

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