
How are the mighty fallen Archives

March 31, 2011

Stalinism: Not what it used to be

"Participants in Libya's uprising certainly deserved protection from the brutal attacks the Gaddafi regime unleashed against them"
-- Nerf People's Planet editorial

Seems the humanitarian pretext for armed intervention is indivisible: either the empire can't use it, no matter what, or the empire can use it, no matter why (real 'why', that is; the nominal 'why' is always he same).

Hugo and Danny and Fidel are scrambling here because they could be next, if sovereignty is conditional on good behaviour, as defined by the western media machines.

Seems to me that's plenty good reason to play for Col Q's side in any venue available, no matter how much of a neoliberal torture-chamber Minotaur in glad rags the Colonel has become. Hoping to somehow stymie a clean win for Uncle Slamdunk here looks like a game you gotta play, whatever the odds, if you happen to be running a sovereignty-bolstered outfit that Uncle might decide to Slobo-Sad-icide some bright sunny morning.

Then we get this from the Webb-ites:

It is ironic that an international conference of over 30 countries, to consider, in the president's words, "what kind of political effort is necessary to pressure Gaddafi, while also supporting a transition to the future that the Libyan people deserve," is being held after the military intervention began. Had such discussions taken place earlier, one wonders if a consensus could have emerged for more powerful political and economic measures, short of military intervention, to protect Libyan civilians and open a space for a popular uprising.
"Containment," comrades?!

Might I point out the events of the Kennedy 60's vis-a-vis cuba. Oh how these red nerfers have spongified.

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