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Rahm Emmanuel: keep that war going

By Michael J. Smith on Wednesday December 14, 2005 04:53 PM

I hate to poach on Wang's territory, but I came across a juicy item in Newsday today. There's a Republican congressman, Peter King, from the South Shore of Long Island. King is staunchly pro-war but his district isn't. And there is a Democratic county legislator, David Bishop, who is strongly anti-war, has good name recognition, and wants to run against King. Polls show him to be a strong candidate. Sounds good, right?

Not to the unspeakable Rahm Emmanuel, chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee -- Mr. Moneybags, in other words, for the national party. Emmanuel has apparently passed down the word that Bishop would get little support from the DCCC.

This is starting to look like a pattern.

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