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And now for something not completely different...

By Michael J. Smith on Monday January 23, 2006 02:45 PM

Feel like I've been whaling away too much lately on the poor wistful Munchkins at Daily Kos and the like. Time for a visit to their opposite numbers on the angstroms-wide spectrum of Democratic thinking: the Fromsphere. Let us don our hazmat suits, board the Ghostbusters incident response vehicle, and drop in on Third Way, a recently-spawned runt of the From litter.

And... pay dirt!

Sean Barney is a Senior Policy Advisor at Third Way. Serving in that capacity, Sean has been an integral part of the first year of this organization....

Sean is also a Marine Corps Reservist. He enlisted in the military just after 9/11, while a senior member of the staff of Senator Tom Carper. Lance Corporal Barney is a machinegunner with Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 25th Marines and in October 2005, he was called up to serve a tour of duty in Iraq.

Now in all candor I have to say that this story gives me an extremely warm feeling. It suggests that the Fromsphere must be staffed by people who don't have the brains God gave a goose. (The Gore and Kerry campaigns would seem to confirm this assessment.)

Jeez, I hope this gets to be a fad -- all the eager young Washington beavers trading in their not-quite-Brooks-Brothers suits for desert camo and going to face down a world full of pissed-off dark-skinned people. Given that the Democrats seem to feel they need to work harder to establish "national security" cred than the Republicans, and given that they appear to be too dumb to keep their heads down, perhaps we can hope for a near-depopulation of the donkey-wonk cubicle farms -- like England after the first world war, except this time the girls will go too. Drang nach Mittel-Osten, Fromniki!

Comments (2)

J. Alva Scruggs:

Inspiring! They should march off, one and all, to an encouraging chorus.

Go, ye heroes, go to glory,
Though you die in combat gory,
Ye shall live in song and story.
Go to immortality!
Go to death, and go to slaughter;
Die, and every Cornish daughter
With her tears your grave shall water.
Go, ye heroes, go and die!

Go, ye heroes, go and die!
Go, ye heroes, go and die!

Naw. No good. Bullets just bounce off heads that thick.

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