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Mr Byrd regrets...

By Michael J. Smith on Tuesday February 28, 2006 11:28 AM

Senator Robert Byrd has a few regrets, according to AP:
Sen. Robert Byrd, the dean of the Senate and its resident constitutional expert, counts only a few regrets in his 48-year Senate career: filibustering the 1964 Civil Rights Act, voting to expand the Vietnam War, deregulating airlines.

Add to the list a new one from this century: supporting the anti-terror USA Patriot Act after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

"The original Patriot Act is a case study in the perils of speed, herd instinct and lack of vigilance when it comes to legislating in times of crisis," the West Virginia Democrat said Monday on the eve of the Senate's final votes on its renewal. "The Congress was stampeded...."

This week ... he embarks on a re-election campaign for a record ninth term....

Mr Byrd's regrets are pretty much a capsule history of the Democratic Party. And you gotta love that "we wuz stampeded" line. Was stampeded? Let's have the active voice there, Mr Byrd -- in fact we need the iterative aspect too.

Comments (2)

js paine:

just a "few"
regrets ??

for get the patriot act

filibustering the 1964 Civil Rights Act,

voting to expand the Vietnam War,

deregulating airlines

how could one
razor head from
the hills
possibly have done more damage then that .....

particularly if you unwrap
the last one
by including
all the other
de reg actions
the carter years
got rolling

inter state trucking ...

natural gas ....

oh stop me ...please
i'm wonking and i need to stop

then again
byrd may just not find
"the rest of that story "
interesting enough
cause he can fly
over it all

but the airline
f up well thats different
he has to fly in that mess
every damn time he goes anywhere
or is it fly thru ???

J. Alva Scruggs:

Here's the breakdown, for those interested, on the "Patriot" extension.

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