And the necessary left spoiler move in enough "right " CD's this November is not gonna happen either .... not this time. Nope, for what, the twelfth electoral cycle in a row, the Democrats have once more rope-a-doped their all-too-loyal internal opposition.
Won't it be something if the Rahm strategy actually works -- hold still, do nothing, don't even breathe, and wait for the other side to screw up so bad that the prize falls in your lap. That'll be the major political backflip of the generation -- bring America back to where it left off being donk-tranced, back to a world that can pretend it's still after 1989 and before 1994 -- just the pet fantasy DLC/ humanist empire donks conjure every night at bedtime -- a chance to replay the post-cold war front 9: the Clinton years.
Sippose they do succeed -- what then? Matter for another post.
Comments (2)
The DLC'ers aren't done yet. There's still a lot of pwogwessive idols for the dem leadership to slap around before November. After all, kicking pwogwessives around like soccer balls is about the only fun the Clintonista's get before the Rethuglicans mug them in the general.
Posted by AlanSmithee | March 27, 2006 8:56 AM
Posted on March 27, 2006 08:56
I suppose this is another argument for Plan B: Forget the Democrats.
Posted by DoubleHelix | March 28, 2006 11:39 AM
Posted on March 28, 2006 11:39