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Deserting a sinking ship

By Michael J. Smith on Friday April 14, 2006 10:25 AM

J. Alva Scruggs passed this along:
You might be able to do something with this Newsday story. It features St. Hillary and one Suri Harris who, unless there are lots of Suri Harrises in NYC, was a Bush donor in the last election.
Kind of says it all, really. I assume this Suri Harris is the same Suri who is an executive at the "medical advertising" firm of Lyons Lavey Nickel Swift. Her address of record is 252 Seventh Avenue, down in the 20s; there's an Alfred Schreiber with the same address. No idea whether that's our guy, or this tantalizing Schreiber:
"We've had a track record of success in bridging the gap between the military and business because we can bridge the information gap between the two worlds," says Alfred Schreiber, President and Co-founder of U.S. Alliance Group, formerly Director of Business Development for The Center for Military and Private Sector Initiatives. "We understand the language. We know that an 'Army 31W' is an expert in telecommunications switches and that a 'fire control technician' is really a telecommunications-network expert. We also know how to locate them. If a company needs 500 software designers or 800 fiber optic cable splicers, we can get them quickly and efficiently and efficiently. We have good working contacts at every military base in the world."

Earlier Schreiber was a senior executive at Young & Rubicam and True North, where he founded America's largest multicultural consulting and marketing group. His new book on how companies can meet the challenge of today's diversity business imperative will be published by NTC/Contemporary Press this year.

Schreiber points out that U.S. Alliance Group has "both the will and the way to provide strategic staffing solutions to corporate America."

Well, Hillary certainly qualifies as a "strategic staffing solution for corporate America," doesn't she?

Comments (3)


hillart...staffing functions

watch yourself mistah smiff

Par for the course for Hillary, who, we should remember, was on the board of directors of Wal*Mart for six years.

J. Alva Scruggs:

Here's a serendipitous little juxtaposition.

Wesley Clark reports for duty (again) and thoughtfully takes a directorship, just in case duty doesn't work out so well.

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