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Old soldiers never die, and they never fade away either

By Michael J. Smith on Sunday April 16, 2006 09:51 PM

J. ALva Scruggs writes:
Here's a serendipitous little juxtaposition.

Wesley Clark reports for duty (again) and thoughtfully takes a directorship, just in case duty doesn't work out so well.

Apparently they wheeled the Butcher of the Balkans out to promote their silly "Real Security" vaporware, discussed here a couple of weeks ago.

The news item refers to Clark's

... role alongside the Senate Democratic leader, Harry M. Reid of Nevada, and the House Democratic leader, Nancy P. Pelosi of California, in crafting the national security plank in which the party pledges to ''eliminate" Osama Bin Laden, better equip the US military, and ensure that 2006 ''is a year of significant transition to full Iraqi sovereignty."

Iraq was the most difficult point of agreement for party lawmakers. Over the past months, Clark spent hours on the phone and in meetings with lawmakers ranging from centrist to leftists. Last fall, he urged Representative John P. Murtha of Pennsylvania not to make his famed call for immediate withdrawal of US troops from Iraq. And while Clark calls the Iraq war a ''strategic blunder," he continues to disagree with such lawmakers as Kerry who propose specific reductions of troops.

''No Democratic should put numbers" on an exit by American troops, he [said].

Did I dream it, or was this Jack Ketch in a brass hat once the darling of a coterie of self-described "progressives"?

My favorite quote from the "real security" brochure:

After September 11, all Americans trusted President Bush to take the steps necessary to keep our country safe.
All Americans, Wes? I think not. How weird that the Democrats think the way to get elected is by impersonating an imbecile.

Comments (1)

Even after 2-3 years, I'd still give a couple of fingers to know what Michael Moore was smoking when he went all ga-ga for Clark.

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