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Roma locuta est

By Michael J. Smith on Monday April 10, 2006 02:54 PM

The French students and labor unions have apparently beat back the CPE law.

As if this weren't triumph enough, the French students have also received a supreme accolade on The Nation magazine's blog:

Before I left for Paris, I asked whether or not these students should be considered progressive, and I've made up my mind: of course they should.
The Nation's seal of approval must have relieved a lot of anxious minds in Paris. No doubt the corks are poppin'.

Comments (5)

J. Alva Scruggs:

Be still my beating heart! Lest you burst from excitement at the nation's endorsement. I usually consider that the kiss of death, and a prelude to some nasty court liberal skullduggery, but this time is different, I feel sure.

I trust that this endorsement did not issue forth from either Gitlin or Alterman. I seem to recall them both whinging on more than one occasion that only poorly housebroken, pot-addled children would think of being so crass and rude as to picket any DP-endorsed convention or event. Or perhaps this is a special dispensation-- and we can slip under their moralizing radar in the future by disguising ourselves as French tourists when we hit the streets here in America... ?

I normally ignore Nation, but I will give them credit--they recently ran a story which suggested that maybe--gasp!--socialism should be on the table for consideration by progressives. More talk like that from that magazine and I might even consider reading it.


alsis -- No, it was not one of their large-bores, but some smaller-caliber figure with a very euphonious name -- Sam-I-Am ... no, sorry, that's Sam Graham Felsen. A "documentary filmmaker," according to his blurb, and apparently a close collaborator of Katrina van den Heuvel.

js paine:

as an attack trained economist
i must caution you frog revellers

the game is a foot
else where
the monetary policy of the euro zone
okay sure i hear ya
compared to raw folks
in the streets ....

"seccatura "

until those fatuous aardvarks at the central bank
either themselves
pull a saul paul
on us and brake
the credit torture bed
ormore likely and far better
have the credit crush high euro fuckle buck
broken over their heads

by wild fiscality
among the big three

all else is but
classy deck chair

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