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Be thou a spirit of health or goblin damn'd

By Owen Paine on Thursday May 18, 2006 01:00 PM

Listen, I'm no longer a fan, or even an interested spectator, of the bi- party races. Win, lose, up, down, the whole crazy quilt derby -- too many lives have already been lost down that rabbit hole. Not mine, never again.

But still the shade of Hunter S Thompson visits from time to time, in the dark dead of the night.

"What's with all the whispering in there, JS?" my glamorous girlfriend calls from the bedroom.

"Aaahh, what else, it's Thompson's ghost again, still trying to pull me back in."

"Don't listen to him," she warns, drowsily. But it's too late. HST is slipping me the inside signal. "Rove's got a new plan.... No, not that ham-fingered, helmeted 6k chorus binge down at the border -- that's a diversion -- like Patton's army at Dover. No, this is the big dice tumblin' here... watch for Rove's roll, maybe as soon as next Friday..."

I peg an inkwell at him, and he vanishes. I'm not gonna get re-hooked. Cheney or no Cheney, I'm a big-picture guy now, scanning the distant horizon for thunderheads.

Comments (5)

J. Alva Scruggs:

In the big picture vein, here's an instructive picture on the fate that awaits those who would follow triangulators.

I have a similar problem with a raven that perches on the bust of E.V. Debbs above my chamber door.


hey j alva and alan
unlike me

sane as the morning sun

u both need
a padded .....chamber

J. Alva Scruggs:

Can mine come without squirrels? You don't know the horror, JSP, until you've seen them leering at you and . . . chittering.

Aren't red-tail hawks also called "Chickenhawks ?" If so, it couldn't be more appropriate to see who is making a meal of who...

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on Thursday May 18, 2006 01:00 PM.

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The next post in this blog is The strange power of received ideas.

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