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Don't even THINK about it

By Owen Paine on Sunday May 21, 2006 09:48 PM

Ever visit the AFL-CIO blog site?

Here's a typical post.

It "updates" one stalled piece of the "new jobs rights movement." Seeing how 1/3 of the job force contends "sure... ya... a union 'round here would be... nice."

But there isn't one ... of course... nor likely to be one anytime soon, unless something big blows the present corporate skull-riggary sky high.

This bill becoming law -- at least by itself -- could hardly be something big, though at any rate it could add some due process facilitation.

And yet as minor a reform as it would be, the bill can't even get itself out of committee. There are plenty of reps in both parties unwilling to vote against "jobholder liberation," so bottled up it must remain till next November -- or Kingdom Come?

Comments (2)

But the T-Shirts are nice. ;)

Tim D:

Yes, and the list of "Blog friends" says it all...

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